
  1. Choose one stakeholder from Project 1 as your focus for Project 2 and locate two of the stakeholder’s images (either static or dynamic), which represent the stakeholder’s goals. Include a description of the images.
  2. Look at both of your images and consider their rhetorical situation. What are their purposes or goals, how are the images conveying and supporting these purposes or goals, and what audiences are the images trying to reach with their messages? Please include specific details about both images that help you answer the questions.
  3. Reflect on how your images are created to convey the stakeholder’s goal. How do the visual design principles of the image, including the colors, text, and pictures (and whatever other design principles you recognize), work together to persuade the audience to agree with the stakeholder’s message?
  4. Think about your images in terms of ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos. Identify elements of each rhetorical appeal in both of your images.
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