Once you’ve chosen the subject, research and work up a common chief complaint from that system that you haven’t learned already in the program and present your findings in the discussion threads. Push yourself to explore diagnoses in this area that are still common to primary care, but not a repeat of content learned in this or other courses.

Work up includes:

Chief complaint, PMHx, Demographics, PSHx, allergies, lifestyle, HPI

Associated risk factors/demographics that contribute to the chief complaint and differential diagnoses

Three common differential diagnoses represented by the CC including pathophysiology and rationale in the identified body system i.e., if pulmonary was your body system than a chief complaint could be persistent cough and three pulmonary differentials;

Discuss how the three differential diagnoses differ from each other in: occurrence, pathophysiology and presentation (NOTE: Simply listing the diagnoses and their occurrence, pathophysiology and presentations separately does not confer an understanding of how they differ. Your discussion should compare and contrast these items against each other among the three differentials chosen);

Relevant testing required to diagnose/evaluate severity of the three differential diagnoses; and

Review of relevant National Guidelines related to the Diagnosis and Diagnostic testing for these diagnoses

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These questions associated with innovation and information technology.

Please use 1.5 spaced,12-point

Be advised that my professor will check the work using Turnitin for the plagiarism, so I need a plagiarism report.

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Unit 6 Essay:
The Coming of the Civil War

This essay will explore the coming of the Civil War by examining two speeches given just prior to the start of the Civil War: John Smith Preston’s speech to the Virginia state legislature, and Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address. Both represent two very different perspectives about the nature of the Union and who is responsible for dividing the nation. Your goal will be to read through both speeches and discuss the major themes and arguments made in each document.


John Smith Preston on Secession

Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, 1861

You will read the above two speeches (John Smith Preston, Abraham Lincoln), and answer all of the following questions in your essay:

a) JOHN PRESTON SMITH: Is it legal for southern states to secede from the Union? What has the North done to cause southern states to leave the Union?


b) ABRAHAM LINCOLN: Can states break away (secede) from the Union? Why or Why not? What are Lincoln’s views toward the South? What are his duties as President of the United Sates?

Your essay should be a minimum of 2 pages, and you should spend AT LEAST one page discussing EACH position (one page discussing the Preston perspective and one page discussing the Lincoln perspective). Remember, two pages is the minimum, and minimum essays normally score a C. If you want a higher grade, plan to be comprehensive in your coverage of the readings (there is no maximum page limit). Your answer should reflect the main points from both readings, and use examples from the documents to illustrate your main points.

Be sure to proof your essay before submitting it as errors in grammar and spelling will lead to a deduction in points. Use quotations when using the exact wording from the reading and cite the reading at the end of the sentence [ex: if you quoted from the Lincoln reading, simply put (Lincoln, 2) at the end of the sentence which shows me which document and page the quote is from]. As per the instructions in the syllabus, most of the essay should be in your own words and include your own analysis of the readings. I would encourage you to re-read the section in the syllabus that addresses expectations for essays.

Use only the above sources for this assignment: DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. If you do, you will receive a “0” for the assignment. Your essay should be uploaded as Word document (no PDF files).

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Discussion Topic: Discuss the significance of nature to Minoan painters.

Instructions: Be sure to review the discussion grading rubric below before working on your discussion posts.

Discussion Grading Rubric
Content Question was not answered at all or was missing most of the information needed to cover the question or topic

0 Points

Question was answered but was missing some important information needed to cover the question or topic

4 Points

Question was answered completely covering most important aspects of the question or topic

8 Points

Number of Sentences Answer had only 1 sentence

1 Point

Answer had a minimum of 2 to 4 sentences

3 Points

Answer had a minimum of 5 to 7 sentences

4 Points

Cited, External Source Answer did not use an external source (source was not cited)

0 Points

Answer used an external source, but the source was not cited

2 Points

Answer used one external source, and the source was cited at the bottom of the post using a minimum of the title, author, and web link (if available)

3 Points

Grammar and Spelling Answer had four or more grammar or spelling errors

1 Point

Answer had 3 or fewer grammar and spelling errors

2 Points

Reply to Another Student No reply to another student’s post

0 Points

Reply to another student’s post with 1 or 2 sentences

2 Points

Reply to another student’s post with at least 3 sentences

3 Points

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1. Does violence in film need to be more tightly controlled? Please justify your answer with examples from film history and from controversial film like the Saw series.

2. Do you think that the impact of special effects and other technology on film positive? Do the new tools help or harm storytelling in film?

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Avoid plagiarism

WORD format only

Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)

must mention question number

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Chosen Company Name is: AIRBNB in UK

Each “Global Marketing Plan Project Assignment” completed throughout the semester will be part of your Global Marketing Plan Project grade. You will be able to use the information that you gather in each assignment to build your “Final Global Marketing Plan”.

You will need to undertake a cultural assessment of your target country before you engage in product development, sales or negotiations.

Complete the following activities:

  1. Research your target country’s history and geography. Indicate how these factors have influenced this country’s culture.
  2. Research your target country’s major religion. Indicate how this religion could influence the business practices in this country. Give specific examples.
  3. Use the internet to find the major languages spoken in this country. Identify any types of non-verbal communication that should be avoided.
  4. Use the internet to research Hofstede’s cultural measures for this country. Specify how these measures will impact your marketing plan.

APA format

Proper reference

minimum 4 pages.

You can use the help of the attachment to do the assignment.

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Discuss your analysis of the distinctions between diversity and inclusion. In what ways do concepts of gender roles infiltrate popular culture representations of political systems and what connections did you make to leadership concepts? Post a substantive response to the question (minimum 250 words).


While “Diversity” and “Inclusion” often are used interchangeably, the difference between the two concepts is vitally important.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), studies show that teams or organizations with diverse qualities, experiences and work styles bring more ideas, perspectives and approaches to the table. On top of efforts to diversify their employee base, businesses may want to take note of the organizational success associated with the move toward inclusion.

Defining the difference

As defined by SHRM, diversity references the similarities and differences between individuals, accounting for all aspects of one’s personality and individual identity. It implies variety in characteristics like race, sex or age.

Inclusion, however, refers to the efforts used to embrace those differences. It describes how much each person feels welcomed, respected, supported and valued. Inclusion is about seeing employees’ whole selves, recognizing that their differences make them uniquely qualified to contribute to the organization.

As diversity and inclusion expert Vernā Myers explains, “Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.”

How inclusion leads to organizational success

Consider this: According to the McKinsey & Company report Delivering Through Diversity, ethnically and racially diverse companies are 33% more likely to outperform industry norms, while gender-diverse companies are 21% more likely to earn more revenue. Released in January 2018, the report suggests that gender, ethnic and cultural diversity correlate to financial performance, particularly when the diversity is within executive teams.

These high-performing companies acknowledge that commitment to an inclusive environment starts at the top. The McKinsey report’s authors note that progress on representation is a start and can be done relatively quickly, with the right initiatives (such as targeted recruiting), while embedding inclusion within the organization can take time to develop.

Inclusion stretches far beyond hiring employees with different backgrounds and ethnicities. It is a mindset in which employers actively provide each member of the workforce with equal access to opportunities. Organizations can begin to transition from diversity efforts to those of inclusion, to create an environment in which all employees can thrive and contribute their best work.


Diversity can be interpreted as the who and the what. Who’s sitting at the table, who is being promoted or employed. When discussing diversity in the workforce, we usually assume everyone is given equal representation. As we learn in this week’s readings, employers hire people with varying genders, sexual orientation, ethnic backgrounds, and interests (Sherbin, & Rashid, 2017). However, diversity does not equal inclusion. Inclusion can be described as the how and can be explained as the behaviors that welcome and embrace diversity. A leader that recognizes inclusion has figured out how to encompass various voices and identities. An inclusive workplace is one where various methods and practices are acknowledged and celebrated by those differences, with everyone having the same opportunities at success (Diversity vs. inclusion and why they matter, 2019).

Men and women are believed to have distinct characteristics. Men are assumed to be independent, confident, productive, healthy, and self-assured while women are identified with being merciful, affectionate, understanding, and empathetic (Winter, 2010). Men are customarily associated with a higher status and are more inclined to be in leadership positions congruent with socio-demographic status and gender. Women are viewed as having a lower status, and the leadership position may be seen as less harmonious with their socio-demographic status and gender. The masculine and feminine traits carry over into politics. The Republican party is often connected to men with masculine qualities while the Democratic party can be matched to women and feminine qualities (Winter, 2010). These stereotypes can help form the citizen’s opinion of a political candidate. As societal standards are changing, with the recognition of same-sex relationships and gender fluidity, gender stereotypes are expanding as well.

Diversity vs. inclusion and why they matter. (2019, March 27). Retrieved from http://www.refreshleadership.com/index.php/2019/03/diversity-inclusion-matter/

Sherbin, L., & Rashid, R. (2017, February 1). Diversity doesn’t stick without inclusion. Retrieved from https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/blackboard.learn.xythos.prod/5a32b5d33f67b/1651907?response-content-disposition=inline; filename*=UTF-8”diversity%20doesn%27t%20stick%20wihtout%20inclusion.HBR.pdf&response-content-type=application/pdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20190917T125327Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21599&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIL7WQYDOOHAZJGWQ/20190917/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=bf6640e8d3942044e9abdbf5d9ca54b5a80671e836ef274082c155fe34dfec3c

Winter, N. J. G. (2010, August 1). Masculine republicans and feminine democrats: gender and americans’ explicit and implicit images of the political parties. Retrieved from https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/blackboard.learn.xythos.prod/5a32b5d33f67b/1651908?response-content-disposition=inline; filename*=UTF-8”masculine%20republicans%20and%20feminine%20democrats.pdf&response-content-type=application/pdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20190916T174008Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIL7WQYDOOHAZJGWQ/20190916/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=95f45fe365b2f8e4db067137e24bfc553baa80537427daeb5d196900b3d5108c

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Write a detailed process for each problem or labeling economic defintion if you can. The due date is Friday morning.

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FEEDBACK Journal Attached

Assignment: Feedback Journal Reflection

In Week 2 through Week 5, you kept a Feedback Journal where you tracked the comments, corrections, and suggestions you have received on your writing. For this Assignment, you reflect on this feedback. While reviewing your Feedback Journal, take time to celebrate your growth as a writer, and be sure to note the areas that need additional practice.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review your Feedback Journal to assess your progress.

By Day 7

Submit a 1- to 2-page reflection in which you comprehensively respond to the following:

  • What have you learned about yourself based on the Feedback Journal?
  • What is your goal for Graduate Writing II? (Review your Feedback Journal for patterns and identify at least one specific goal.)
  • Why is this goal important to you at this point in your program?

Submission and Grading Information

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