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SPRd 510 WK 6 Discipline Process

Discipline Process Students with disabilities  are provided with specific provisions regarding discipline through the  law. Special education teachers need to be aware of what the law has  outlined for the discipline of students with disabilities, as they will  be responsible for implementing these specific guidelines. Review the following case scenario to inform the assignment that […]

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2 pages due Saturday Morning

Based on the information provided, begin the process of drafting a 250-500 word summary of Laney’s current educational performance that could later be incorporated into a Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) section of an IEP. Your draft should include: •Student strengths; •Evaluations; •Performance in classes; •Influences of language, culture, and family […]

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NEED THIS BEFORE MIDNIGHT TODAY! Part 1: Phonics and Word Recognition: I Do, We Do, You Do Chart Consult with your mentor teacher to decide the direction you will take to provide small group instruction to 3-4 students on a literacy topic on phonics and/or word recognition. Choose a phonics and word recognition concept and […]

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Week 2 Discussion 1 Types of Assessment Tools [WLO:1] [CLOS: 2,5]

Prepare Prior to beginning work on this discussion, Read      Chapter 1.1: The Purposes of Educational Assessments Read      Chapter 5: Placement, Diagnostic, and Formative Assessment Read      Chapter 6: Summative Assessment Choose      one of the following videos to watch: Improving Practice With Sarah       Brown Wessling (Links to an       external site.) Keeping It Relevant and       “Authentic” (Links to […]

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I need two replies to a discussion board

The Behaviorist perspective, when implemented in the classroom, can be implemented by rewarding desirable behaviors and punishing undesirable behaviors. Some Christians argue that while the behaviors may change, the heart may not. Reflect on the following verses, in addition to this week’s assigned reading selection, and answer the subsequent prompts. Jeremiah 17:10 Proverbs 23:7 Romans […]

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Need 3 essays to apply for a graduate program in a university.

Essay -Why an MBA and why Georgia tech ? 4000 characters max . Essay on Ten facts about yourself that will Help your future classmates get to know you . 1000 characters max Essay to Request waiver and write brief essay highlighting quantitative experience in your profession many and academic history 300-500 words Attached my […]

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HIS 379 Week 1 Discussion 2

Prepare: Read Benjamin, Thomas. The Atlantic World: Europeans, Africans, Indians and Their Shared History, 1400-1900. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Chapter 3: Conquests: Forging the Iberian Empires in Africa and the Americas. Chapter 4: Realms: The Overseas Empires of Spain and Portugal. Fassnacht, Max, Stephanie Fink, Robert Jackson, and Michelle Warn. “ The […]

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Evaluate a vitamin/mineral supplement using the following form: If you do not have a supplement at home/or someone you know has one, take a look at one in the grocery/vitamin store.  There is no need to purchase one!!YOU NEED TO PICK ONE WITH AT LEAST 5 VITAMINS OR MINERALS SO YOU CAN ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ADEQUATELY.): […]

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Week 4.

Constant changes occurring in early childhood education make staying up-to-date with current educational trends and issues critical for early childhood educators. Trends and issues in education affect teachers, and ultimately, students. Therefore, teachers need to stay abreast of current research in order to advocate and incorporate developmentally appropriate practices. For this assignment, you will be […]

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Favorite Magazine – 2 pg essay – due in 36 hours

Favorite Magazine Pick an article from your favorite magazine.Read through it, highlighting instances in which the writer uses specific language,concrete language, and familiar language, and identify passages where the writer might improve in each area. Write a two pages essay identifying strengths and suggestions for improvement based on your assessment. Looking for solution of this […]

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