In the first four weeks of this class, you have reviewed the basics of ID principles, ID models, and articles and cases that have to do with analysis. Beginning this week, you’ll start designing.

For this assignment, you will give an overview of your needs assessment (the need for instruction), a basic learner analysis (who your learners are), and what task you want them to do when they complete instruction. You will write one learning goal and three learning objectives, which you will use for your Signature Assignment.

The ability to write goals and objectives is not only an important part of the ID field, but this skill set is also important for all who deal with instruction. Unfortunately, goals and objectives that are not measurable are used as definitive measures. Think about the map for your road trip again. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?

In this assignment, you will write one instructional goal based on FAST (function analysis system technique) and three instructional objectives using ABCD (audience, behavior, condition, degree) that you will incorporate into your Signature Assignment. Use the Task Analysis and topic developed in Week 4. Please make sure that you keep the requirement of measurability in mind as you write your goal and your objectives. You would not want to write:

Students will understand a concept.

What does that look like? Continue to ask yourself that question to ensure measurability.

A better example might be:

Students in Foundations of Instructional Design will be able to write an objective using ABCD that is accurate and measurable.

In addition to the goal and objectives, please include a short paragraph, explaining the need for instruction and a bit about who your learners are in one or two paragraphs.

Length: 2 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Review NCU’s Academic Integrity Tutorial to refresh your knowledge of how to achieve academic integrity.

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