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Over the length of this course, you will be engaged in writing assignments about a psychological disorder of your choice that will help you build pieces of the final project. This will allow you to get feedback from your instructor throughout the course, enabling you to update and improve your work based on that feedback. This approach allows you to submit a polished version of your final project in Module 5. Last week you completed your title page and your literature review worksheet. This week you will use the information from the worksheet to write a narrative literature review that you can paste into your final project next week.


For this assignment, you will be crafting a literature review about your selected disorder for your final project, utilizing at least six academic sources from the NLU library. You will use the information you completed for your worksheet in Module 3 to complete this assignment in a narrative format. Your literature review should include:

  1. Details about the symptoms of your selected disorder
  2. Describe the treatment options available for this disorder
  3. Discuss future implications for treatment options for this disorder


This paper should be completed in Microsoft Word or a similar word processing program and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and APA style guidelines throughout. The literature review should be 500-750 words and include a minimum of 6 APA-cited references.

The page “Effective Strategies for Literature Reviews” offers helpful guidelines. Please refer to the rubric associated with this assignment for detailed guidance about expectations and grading.

Effective Strategies for Literature Reviews

Step 1: Searching the Literature

The most important step in doing the literature review is to consult the relevant databases (e.g., PsychINFO, Academic Search Complete). Your search will identify many articles. Based on the abstract of the article, you will be able to decide that many of them are not directly relevant. Locate and read the articles with abstracts that are promising.

A good starting place is this NLU research guide for Psychology. This guide centralizes major resources in the field of psychology, including databases for searching journals articles, public websites, and APA style:

Step 2: Writing the Literature Review

Your review should summarize the literature on your topic. Concentrate on synthesizing or integrating some of the literature; that is, point out connections between different concepts, viewpoints, or research paradigms. You also need to evaluate the literature you discuss. What are the strengths and weaknesses of specific viewpoints or research paradigms? How does this recent literature extend our knowledge? What are the needed next steps for the field in developing theory or research in this area?

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Must be Experienced in GUIS and also Java FX. Everything you need is in the PICTURES.

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Please be in the picture for the instructions. I have included the numbers and information as well. Please do not plagiarize this assignment at all.

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For our Final Project, you will be conducting a photo voice (photo essay) in your community. You can focus on one of the following topics: Strengths and Barriers to Healthy Eating, Strengths and Barriers to Physical Activity, Strengths and Barriers to Mental Health and Strengths and Barriers to Accessing Health Care. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. You must present three photographs that represent to you the barriers and three that represent strengths. Insert your 6 photographs as a power point presentation. APA Format.

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Imagine that you are a superhero flying through the sky in a horizontal, prone, position. Your feet are plantar flexed, with your toes pointed (flexed), your legs are fully extended and your thighs are together in a neutral position relative to your torso (e.g., you are contracting muscles to prevent them from flexing at the hip). Your upper limbs are pointed straight ahead, with your palms down and fingers pointed (extended), forearms extended at the elbow, and arms fully flexed at the shoulder. In addition, to facilitate the position of your upper limbs, your shoulder blades are elevated and rotated upwards (the glenoid cavities are oriented as superiorly as possible).

Your assignment: name and describe the prime mover appendicular muscles (see Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info) or most important appendicular muscle groups (if there are/is no prime mover(s)) necessary to maintain this pose plus the innervation of the relevant muscles (see Tables in Tortora Ch. 11 and17 for innervation of muscles).

  • Organize your description by the appendicular joint(s) at which movement of the relevant body part occurs.
    • There should be 8 sections in your description, 7 of which correspond to the actions at the following appendicular joints (include innervation).
  1. Fingers/wrist (gross movements caused by forearm muscles – don’t include intrinsic hand muscles)
  2. Distal & proximal radioulnar joints
  3. Elbow
  4. Shoulder
  5. Hip
  6. Knee
  7. Ankle (talocrural joint)
  • The final (8th) section should be a description of the muscles involved in maintaining the position of the scapulae during the superhero flight and the innervation of those muscles.

For full credit, you must submit a rich text format file (a specific type of text file) or a pdf file. The filename must be as follows: lastname-first, where xxx is rtf or pdf, depending on the file type you saved (e.g., for a student with the last name Adam Smith, in section #1000, an rtf file would be named as follows: smith-a-1000-SH.rtf).


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just small case, course:LOGISTICS & SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT. I want you finish all questions and Im international student please use simple gramma and words ,not too academically

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Need below question answered 300 word minium with 3 schoalry refeences less than 5 years old. APA format

Topic: NPI and DEA Numbers

Discuss the significance as well as the process of obtaining both a National Provider Identification (NPI) Number and a DEA Number.

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short few summaries about a specific topic in a freshmen style to get a B+ or A-

I need you to look for 5 sources about JFK assassination different theories with citing the sources, the sources should be articles, 5 summaries one for each article around 150 words, and cite any important information or data.

better to be peer reviewed, free plagarizm

in an international freshmen style to get B+

I need the first and last name of the author, date of publication and citation

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