Instructions: Watch this video then answer the questions below. The car of the future. Duration: (44:20) video URL :…

1. In your opinion, how will the “car of the future” shape the automobile industry

2. As a strategist, what would you recommend to industry’s leaders in order to sustain in an impending changing environment?

Submit a word document with responses, response should be between 1-2 paragraphs, format the paper according to APA

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Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Analyze the given case study on security breach.
  • Recommend controls to avoid an enterprise security breach.

Assignment Requirements

Read the text sheet named “Local Breach of Sensitive Online Data” and address the following:

Using what you have learned about security breaches, describe what measures should have been taken by the educational service and test preparation provider to avoid the security breach mentioned in the text sheet.

Respond to your peers with your point of view on their answers. Need atleast 800 words. Make sure your opinion is substantiated with valid reasons and references to the concepts covered in the course. In addition, initiate a discussion with the students who comment on your answer.

Required Resources

  • Text sheet: Local Breach of Sensitive Online Data (ts_localbreach)

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have engaged in a discussion of the assigned topics with at least two of my peers.
  • I have raised questions and solicited peer and instructor input on the topics discussed.
  • I have articulated my position clearly and logically.
  • I have supported my argument with data and factual information.
  • I have provided relevant citations and references to support my position on the issue discussed.
  • I have compared and contrasted my position with the perspectives offered by my peers and highlighted the critical similarities and differences.
  • I have solicited peer and instructor feedback on my arguments and propositions.
  • I have offered a substantive and critical evaluation of my peer’s perspective on the issues that is opposite of mine, and supported my critical review with data and information.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.
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Discussion Board Forum 2/Project 4 Instructions

**Note that you must do this project on your own—you may not work with other students. You are always welcome to ask your instructor for help.

When performing a hypothesis test, youmust make an assumption in order to perform it. Assume that the hypothesis youare testing (the null hypothesis) is true.This assumption allows youto calculate the probability of the test results. Youthen use that probability to decide whether or not to accept the hypothesis and the claim associated with it.The more likely the results, the more readily youaccept the hypothesis.

This kind of analysis can be used to evaluate any idea for which there are enough facts or data. For example, what about the premise that Jesus is the Son of God?Josh McDowell takes a similar approach to answering this question in his book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict (Campus Crusade for Christ, 1972).

In his book, McDowell collects a variety of information that attests to the Bible’s validity and Jesus’ claims to being the Son of God. Heincludes the interesting results of a large volumeof research.In the section about messianic prophecy, he quotes the probabilistic analysis of Peter Stoner in Science Speaks (Moody Press, 1963).Stoner used the assumption that Jesus was just a man and not the Son of God to perform a probability analysis and hypothesis test on some messianic prophecies.In this case the hypothesis wasthat Jesus was not the foretold Messiah orthe Son of God.He then examinedthe probability of a selection of prophecies coming true if Jesus was in fact not divine.

Using a selection of 8prophecies, Stoner estimated that the probability of all 8prophecies being fulfilled is 1 in 1017.Using the language of hypothesis tests, this means that youwould reject the hypothesis that Jesus is not the Messiah for anyα > 10-17. To put it another way,α > 0.00000000000000001.The smallest α that is normally used for a hypothesis test is α = 0.01.This means that youcan safely reject the hypothesis that Jesus is not the Messiah orthe Son of God.

For more on this, see Josh McDowell’s book Evidence That Demands a Verdict.Peter Stoner’s work can be found in Science Speaks,published by Moody press.Stoner’s book has recently been rereleased in e-book format. You can find it in the Module/Week 4 Additional Materials folder.

The references for the 8Old Testament prophecies that Peter Stoner analyzed are listed below along with the verse references for their fulfillment. It is likely that most students in this course believe that Jesus Christ is divine, so listing probabilities of Him doing certain things is irrelevant. However, Stoner says to the skeptical, “Okay, let’s have it your way for a second. If Jesus of Nazareth was just an ordinary man, what is the probability that he could fulfill all the prophecies by chance?”

Old Testament PropheciesNew Testament Fulfillment

Micah 5:2Matthew 2:46

Malachi 3:1Mark 1:2-8

Zechariah 9:9Matthew 21:411

Psalms 41:9Luke 22:21

Zechariah 11:12Matthew 26:15

Zechariah 11:13Matthew 27:310

Isaiah 53:7Mark 14: 60-61

Psalms 22:16John 19:1718

In Discussion Board Forum 2, post a thread that includes the following:

1. Type out each Old Testament prophecy with the verse reference followed by the New Testament verse with the fulfillment. (10points)

2. Which one of the 8 prophecies and its fulfillment spoke to you the most? Write at least 150 words about this verse and your thoughts about it. (10 points)

3. These prophecies and their fulfillment are definitely evidence that Jesus is the Messiah. People have different opinions about whether or not thereis absolute proof of this. Do you think these verses prove that Jesus is the Messiah? Write at least 250 words about your opinion on this. Be sure to explain the reasons behind your thinking. Whether you believe that Jesus is the Messiah or not, please give your honest opinion. Any honest,thoughtful opinion will receive full credit. (12 points)

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those are the questions I’ll upload the rest when you except and thank you in advance.

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The purpose of this assignment is to help you see how everyday issues may be considered social problems and how some may not.

For this discussion assignment you will be required to post a minimum of three times between Thursday and Sunday, one post must be posted by the end of the day on Thursday, and at least one post must deal with local solution ideas.

Read_this_tnb.png This debate will focus on Chapter 9: work and the economy. The issues in this debate will cross over into our social class and poverty discussion.

Your assignment.jpgBe sure to read the instructions for debate and review the examples of the debate on the Really Useful Stuff page.

After reading the materials and watching the videos on the weekly resource page choose one of the following to debate (You can comment on both if you want to).


you will pick a topic and a side. You can reply to someone else who has already posted by adding new ideas about the topic, or your first post can be a completely new post about either topic, or incorporating both topics. If you choose to reply to other’s posts, yours should refute the arguments in the original post and add something new about the opposite side. This is a debate so, while it is important to be thoughtful and supportive in your posts you should not be replying to people who have the same view as you, UNLESS you can refute something they provided with different evidence.You MUST make it clear what you are refuting.

For each item there are many pro or con arguments that may represent your view on the topic. Your arguments should be based on some academic source such as your text, or a website. For example, this one on minimum wage (Links to an external site.) will help you for this current assignment. I provide one pro and one con for each item to get you thinking, but you can choose your own pro or con about the topic.


Remember the most important thing about debate is to PICK A SIDE! And make it very clear in your post which topic and which side you are presenting. Even if you don’t agree with the side you pick, you can provide the research and present compelling arguments. Often that is the best way to really learn about a topic. Remember to think about how the topic manifests locally compared to nationally or even globally if you want to take it that far.


You are required to post at least three times. One of your posts MUST present a local solution that has already been enacted or an original idea that you think could or should be enacted. One of your posts MUST refute an argument made by someone else.

The easiest way to do this assignment is present an original debate argument (or reply to someone that has taken the other side and refute their argument), then have one of your reply posts refute someone’s argument. This can be in the same topic you presented or a different topic. Then have the third topic focus on solution ideas for one of the items presented. It can be the same topic you chose originally or a different one.

There are plenty of new ideas for everyone, so remember you only need to present one, not solve the whole thing in one post. This will be a group effort to see if we can come to any resolutions.


Reminder.pngBe sure to clearly identify where your information comes from. Your arguments should not be solely opinion based. You should remember this is a social problems class so you can focus on arguments about the problem, or ideas about solutions to the problem. There are tips on how to use APA formatting on the Really Useful Stuff page.

due date.jpgSee the course schedule for exact due dates for assignments.

GRADE500.pngThis assignment will be subjectively graded by how well I think you formulated your arguments and supported them with evidence. Each post is worth up to 10 points. Discussions of how the issue manifest locally is worth 5 points and a discussion of solutions is worth 5 points. There can be more than three posts but I will grade the first one that meets the grading criteria. There is a grading scale in the assignment to give you an idea of what I am looking for. You can post this assignment late up to two weeks for half credit. Posts that are submitted more than 15 minutes late will be subject to half credit penalty.

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Instructions for Journal 5: The Play’s the Thing

At the conclusion of Act 2 in Hamlet, our melancholic prince is preparing to put his college

education to some practical use. Specifically, he intends to appeal to logic in order to verify

some of the things that a ghostly apparition (who claims to be the prince’s dead father) has said

to him.

Hamlet has apparently taken English 103 already, back when he was Horatio’s classmate at

Wittenberg University. Did Hamlet manage to pass this course? Did he learn his lessons well?

That’s for you to decide after you analyze and evaluate the young prince’s appeal to logos.

In a brief essay, I want you to fully introduce Prince Hamlet’s rhetorical situation at the end of

Act 2. Explain WHO is trying to persuade WHOM to believe WHAT. Explain WHY the orator

in this situation needs his audience to believe that certain thing. And explain WHY the audience

in this rhetorical situation might be reluctant to accept the orator’s position. Finally, you’ll want

to address the HOW-topic in this situation. HOW does this orator go about convincing his

audience to adopt the orator’s position? What kind of persuasive strategy does this orator choose.

(Duh, right? It’s a rhetorical appeal to logos). That’s a very broad thesis, and you’ll want to

follow up on it by stating a narrower version. Go ahead and spell out which particular kind of

appeal the orator makes in this scene.

In a body-paragraph or two, analyze the rhetorical strategy in detail. Here’s where you explain

how this specific type of appeal is supposed to work, ie, how this kind of premise is supposed to

make a conclusion seem thoroughly compelling. After that, you’ll want to outline and critique

the appeal to logos that appears at the end of Act 2. Outlining an appeal to logic is the clearest

way to analyze it because this entails breaking down the appeal into its parts (ie, premises and

conclusion) in order to examine how those parts work. That’s what analysis is. So go ahead and

outline this appeal to logic (the one at the end of Act 2) just like I outlined a few in the Lecture

Notes and in my analysis of appeals to logos in The Simpsons. List and number the Premises.

Below them, write out and label the Conclusion.

Once you’ve got this appeal to logos all dissected on the exam table, you can evaluate the parts.

Are these premises true? Are they arranged in a coherent fashion? Are they sufficient to support

the conclusion? The question you need to consider is whether or not – and to what extent – the

orator in this situation makes a compelling appeal to logos. How good is this logic?

300 words minimum

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this is a short answer exam. I attached some files that you might need for guest speaker questions. and I also attached my friend’s answer for the exam. dont ever use my friends word but you can just look at it and have an idea from that.

and here are the questions and you need to answer every thing. it is a short answer question. my friend write a lot but you just need about 100 words each question. dont think too serious about grammar.

1. Fernando Ramirez talked about the importance of Customer Research for business decision making. Why do you think using research is so important when operating a business?

3.Mark Grzankowski talked about the transformation of Monte Carlo to Park MGM and NoMad. What was one thing you found interesting from his presentation on this very unique property rebrand?

3.Describe a time you had a great customer service experience. What about that experience made it memorable for you and why?

4.Describe a time you had a bad customer service experience. What about that experience made it negative and why?

5.What do you see yourself doing immediately after graduation?

6.Technology is rapidly evolving with it’s applications in the hospitality industry. What are your initial thoughts on the use of technology in a service-oriented industry?

7.If there is one topic you would really like to have discussed this semester, what would it be and why?

8.Ford Blakely, CEO and Founder of Zingle, Inc spoke on his story of creating Zingle, and just last week sold Zingle for over 42 Million Dollars. What is one thing from Ford’s story that you can use as you continue your education and prepare to enter the industry?

9.Mark Prows is the SVP of Entertainment Operations, overseeing large venues across the country. He discussed the types of entertainment they provide today. What do you think the future of entertainment looks like in the next 5-10 years?

10.Innovation is important in driving a business forward. If you were asked by a Las Vegas Strip Resort to consult with them on ONE THING they could do different to create a better experience for their guests, what would it be and why?

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Topic Starter Categories Animals Art Education Family Fashion Finance Gender Government Health care system Justice system Law enforcement Mental health Military Music Nature Nutrition Parenting Physical health Politics Race Relationships Sports Technology Work

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Male Circumcision

A. Answer the question:
Is there a valid reason for routine infant male circumcision? What are the pros and cons of male circumcision? What would you choose?


  • Reading: Idov, M. (2009, Oct 18). Would You Circumcise this Baby. New York Magazine. 258. Retrieved from
  • Reading: Rosin, H. (2009, Oct 18). The Case Against the Case Against Circumcision: Why one mother heard all of the opposing arguments, then circumcised her sons anyway. New York Magazine. Retrieved from (Word)
  • Website: American Academy of Pediatrics: Circumcision…
  • Video: Dr. Oz on Circumcision (9mins)

    B. Reply these answers:

    1. Circumcision is a procedure that surgically removes the male’s foreskin which is at the tip of the penis. Throughout history, circumcision has been a force among males due to their religion and culture. After reading these articles, I believe that there is a valid reason for infant circumcision because it has many positive perks like preventing sexually transmitted diseases and infections. The pros of circumcision are lowering the risk of sexually transmitted virus like AIDS, HIV, HSV, and other viruses. It would also prevent foreskin infection and make it easier to clean the genital area. As the article “Would you circumcise this Baby”, stated that a Manhattan surgeon, Lewis Sayre, discovered that by circumcising the little boy he will eventually regain his leg muscles and decrease the pain. However, the cons of circumcision are that it could cause extensive bleeding, risk of infection, and low chance of healing properly. The article “Would you circumcise Baby”, Deanna decided not to circumcise her baby since it would be mutilation just like how Africans disfigure females’ genital parts. Also, it would decrease the amount of sensation and sexual pleasure for the male. With the proper hygiene from parents, it would lower the risk of cancer and sexually transmitted diseases. Like the video with Dr. Oz, he commented that circumcision wasn’t necessary for males and he advised that males who aren’t circumcised should properly clean the space between the foreskin because it would lead to cervical cancer and sexually transmitted diseases passed onto someone else. I would probably circumcise my child because it would lower the risk of infections and diseases. As the child grows up, they tend to forget to properly clean their genital parts and have sexual contact with someone.

    2. Male circumcision, just like any other medical procedure, will have its risks and benefits. The decision for routine infant male circumcision lies in the hands of the parents when the child is born. So, every parent is different because they all have different sets of beliefs for whether or not circumcision is an appropriate option for their baby boy. There are, not one, but many valid reasons for a routine infant male circumcision; these could be medical, social, or even religious reasons. Male circumcision can benefit by lowering the risks of getting HIV or STIs. The foreskin of the penis can trap bacteria, which leads to all types of infections. Even before reading the sources, I have heard that it is very difficult to clean when a male is uncircumcised. Some cons of circumcision would be the complications and pain that come with any type of medical procedure. In the appropriate settings, I have heard that some men are glad they were circumcised, even if the procedure was painful. Some say they would rather go through the one-time removal, than the constant worrying of infection and being extra careful when cleaning. They still practice proper genital hygiene, but it is a lot easier without the foreskin. From what I have read, I would choose circumcision for my son because the pros outweigh the cons. Although I know some people allow their sons to grow up and make the decision themselves, I believe my son would respect my decision of protecting him from infections and harmful diseases.

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    Reflect on how this research process has affected your leadership decision-making skills. Explain how you plan to utilize your research experience moving forward in your leadership journey.

    Has this process changed your view on research?

    You should demonstrate excellent knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories learned throughout your CSU-Global Masters program. Your initial post and responses to peers, will be in an audio/visual format of your choosing (see the syllabus for the list of options).

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