1)Why is it difficult to figure out unstructured information cost?

2)Create a post for these three questions. Justify your answers using a level of detail appropriate for the graduate level. Also respond to at least two other students before the due date listed below.

a. What are the opportunities and consequences for the company Blue Wood if it does not change its approach to the business?

b. Discuss how and why an FRM (financial risk management) or an ERM framework might benefit a company like Blue Wood.

c. What are the main challenges in developing and implementing a risk management framework for Blue wood? How does the ownership structure affect these challenges?


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I have atached the questions that I need help with. The actual questions are on one sheet and other material are attached to be referrenced. Also our required text is also attached.Please utilize material that is attached as they are required.

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According to the Council on Education for Public Health, public health practitioners ought to be competent in the following areas of health policy:

• Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence

• Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes

• Advocate for political, social or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations

• Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity

Given your experience in this course, why are these competency areas important? Which competency areas have we addressed in this course? How do you plan to supplement your learning in this course in order to address these competency areas? Which resources or learning opportunities would you recommend to other emerging public health practitioners in order to gain competency in the areas listed above. Please support your recommendations with ample evidence.


Initial Response: Initial responses should be no less than 200 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two academic/scholarly peer-reviewed references. Please be aware that just “cutting and pasting” sections of articles (in lieu of writing an original initial post) is not acceptable and will negatively impact your grade.

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Understanding an adolescent’s behavior can be at times elusive and even frustrating. Due to the multiple aspects of the developmental tasks during these years, it can be at times quite challenging to clearly define the issue(s) at hand. Assessment during this stage will include an evaluation of whether an adolescent’s actions are indicative of unhealthy behavior or merely representative of being an adolescent. A comprehensive assessment that includes an evaluation of the client’s developmental stage is a priority when working with this age group.

For this Discussion, choose the opposite case from Discussion 1 and use Erikson’s developmental theory.

By Day 4

Post an assessment of whether the client is mastering the stage of identity. Identify the areas that should be addressed in an intervention based on his or her developmental stage. Describe how you might address those areas.

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This module involves a self-assessment on ethics. Begin by completing What’s Your Ethics IQ? (https://theethicsguy.com/whats-your-ethics-iq/). Then, in your weekly journal, reflect on the following questions:

  1. What was your score on this assessment?
  2. What did the feedback following the assessment reveal about your patterns of ethical decision making?
  3. How is this instrument “culture bound”? How would the answers be different in a particularist culture?
  4. What other insights have you gained about your role as a leader in making ethical decisions in a cross-cultural situation?

Assignment Expectations

  • The journal is a cumulative document—you turn in all previous entries with each module.
  • Include the results from the assessment in your journal.
  • Each module should add 2–3 pages to the journal.
  • The journal should be thoughtful and insightful, integrating learnings from the assessment with other activities in the module and course.
  • The format for the journal is less formal than academic papers (e.g., you can use the first person), but you should use headings to organize your thoughts and guide the reader and cite any sources where you are using information, data, or text from an outside source.
  • Any references should be prepared in APA format in a combined reference list at the end of the journal.
  • Your journal should be edited and error-free.
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Baxter International is one of the world’s largest producers of medical products. Work/life balance is a value that is ingrained in the corporate culture. The former CEO, Jansen Kraemer, Jr. exhibited behaviour that set an example for employees by focusing on making time for his family in addition to his focus on work. Baxter has successfully performed as a business by focusing on traditional business goals as well as employee work/life balance.

Q. What do you understand by Work life balance and work flexibility in any Organization?

Q. How can an Employer support employees to achieve work life balance? And how can it increase the productivity of any Organization?

Q. Explain with some reasons that why are employees giving more preference for work flexibilities in their job? Write the name of 2 companies of Saudi Arabia in which you want to work with due to their work flexibility.

  • Regulations:
  • Student must apply APA Style within their reports.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Answer for etch question should be in not less than 150 words. All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Plagiarism in Student will get zero grades.
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    Write a reflection and create a response image about the Exhibit Dia De Muertos (Day of the Dead) Exhibit at the Mexican Art Museum. (2 pages)

    Please reflect the visit experience with Art Therapy study

    double-spaced, using APA format, in the following manner: Page 1 Title, pages 2 and 3 are personal reflections that cite the required readings/videos, films, etc., page 4 is the References page.

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    I need help editing the reference letter

    Content Length: 1 page

    You need to review and make the changes to the reference letter. Also make sure it will be final copy.

    Thanks in advance.

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    Write a comment about the most interesting part of Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics and your personal opinion. The length between 90 and 150 words. use a bibliographic in text citation and the respective bibliography.

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    In a carefully crafted professional letter, write a rhetorical analysis of the article. What is the authors claim and purpose? How does the article use rhetorical devices to make an argument and convince the audience? Are there biases the audience should be aware of? You should end your letter with your recommendation on how your university should (or should not) use big data to impact a specific aspect of student success. Write a well-developed, thoughtful business letter in response to the scenario below. Scenario: A member of your University President’s Cabinet read an article from Educause entitled, “Using Big Data to Improve Retention and Graduation Rates” (“Using Big Data to Improve Retention and Graduation Rates” by Bill Schmarzo https://er.educause.edu/blogs/sponsored/2017/9/using-big-data-to-improve-retention-and-graduation-rates) and emailed it to the other vice presidents. Always concerned with enrollment, retention, student success, and graduation rates, they are considering how they may best use data in helping the university and its students.

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