This module involves a self-assessment on ethics. Begin by completing What’s Your Ethics IQ? ( Then, in your weekly journal, reflect on the following questions:
- What was your score on this assessment?
- What did the feedback following the assessment reveal about your patterns of ethical decision making?
- How is this instrument “culture bound”? How would the answers be different in a particularist culture?
- What other insights have you gained about your role as a leader in making ethical decisions in a cross-cultural situation?
Assignment Expectations
- The journal is a cumulative document—you turn in all previous entries with each module.
- Include the results from the assessment in your journal.
- Each module should add 2–3 pages to the journal.
- The journal should be thoughtful and insightful, integrating learnings from the assessment with other activities in the module and course.
- The format for the journal is less formal than academic papers (e.g., you can use the first person), but you should use headings to organize your thoughts and guide the reader and cite any sources where you are using information, data, or text from an outside source.
- Any references should be prepared in APA format in a combined reference list at the end of the journal.
- Your journal should be edited and error-free.
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