hi i need help with this questions asap i am wiling to pay

A) You have just purchased a new GMC Sierra equipped with factory-installed P235/75R17 tires. You think the tires look too small, so you replace them with P265/70R17 tires.

How does this change in the size affect the accuracy of speedometer and odometer readings?

In other words, answer the following questions:

How much further would the larger tire travel in one rotation of the wheel?

If your odometer reading is 10,000, you have actually traveled how many miles?

Actual Mileage =

Using the odometer readings in the truck equipped with the larger tires, you determine that the gas mileage is 18 miles per gallon. What is your actual gas mileage in miles per gallon?

If your speedometer reading is 45, you have actual speed is how many miles per hour?

Actual Mileage =

B) Originally, you wanted to replace your GMC Sierra equipped with factory-installed P235/75R17 tires with monster truck style P305/70R22 tires. Your neighbor told you that your chance of being ticketed as a super speeding would increase due to inaccurate speedometer reading. If your speedometer reading displayed 60 miles per hour, could you be ticketed for super speeding (15 mph over the speed limit) in a 55 mph zone? Justify your answer.

C)Do you think that changing the tires from the factory tires has an effect on how the car runs?

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Using the templates in this week’s lecture (the slides in the Risk Reporting Example section), you must identify at least four (4) risks that would come from your project (using the WBS and schedule from earlier assignments).

Complete a risk summary for each risk and then plot those risks on the PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT slide.

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1) If you were a probation officer, which aspect of your job would receive your strongest emphasis: surveillance/ rule enforcement or social services/ counseling to help reintegration? Why?

2) Intermediate Sanctions: Take the following intermediate sanctions and list them in order of the sanctions that you believe are most effective (1 for most effective and 8 for the least effective).

For each one, describe in strengths and weaknesses with respect to the goals that should be accomplished.

  1. Fines
  2. restitution
  3. Boot camps
  4. Intensive probation supervision
  5. Forfeiture
  6. Community service
  7. Day reporting centers
  8. Home Confinement
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You have been engaged to develop a graphical calculator. Specific requirements are as follows:

Create a graphical calculator with buttons that can add, subtract, multiply, divide, +/-, Sin, Cos, Tan, clear, and Modulus.

Write a method for each of these calculations that will accept the needed incoming numbers and return the calculated value.

  • Please note the call to these methods will occur when = is pressed.
  • You may only use 1 textbox to input numbers and display the results.
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You must have had the time to see the film “Outsourced” already in preparation for A-1. Just as a reminder, the film is available on Netflix and also at the Ballston Library on DVD. Both sources come with English subtitles. Please watch the film as many times as you want.

You have to answer the following questions based on the film. Use as many words as you like. Give references APA style.

  1. How well do you think has this film handled the need for respect for customs and culture? Explain.
  2. How did the respect or lack of respect impact the success that Todd was looking for? Give specific examples.
  3. Todd gets called Mr. Toad all the time by his replacement. He tried changing that a couple of times. Why did he give up and resign to being called a toad?
  4. Do people of different cultures have the same basic motivations in life? Give examples from the film to support your answer.
  5. What would you have done differently from Todd had you been sent instead?
  6. What did you like and dislike in the movie?
  7. Are the lessons you learned in this film relevant to you as you prepare yourself for your career in international business management? Why? or Why not
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Using the artifacts, values and basic assumptions you identified as part of the Cultural Scavenger Hunt, critically reflect on what these artifacts, values and basic assumptions tell us about the organizational culture at Saint Mary’s University? How may these artifacts, values and basic assumptions differentiate the organizational culture at Saint Mary’s from the culture of other universities?

Please remember you are required to submit an individual 500 word (this does not include the title page and the reference list) critical contribution to the group essay in Brightspace to the group essay a few days before the group essay is due. Each individual contribution will require that the focus of your critical analysis be a different element of Brookfield’s first three components of critical thinking to your group members (you can find a copy of Brookfield’s four components of critical thinking here). Each individual contribution should have a minimum of 3 references from academic journal articles.

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Power Point Presentation Question

Recorded Chapter Discussion Questions (60 points)

You must choose four questions from ‘Discussion Questions’ for chapter 20 and three questions from ‘Discussion Questions’ for chapter 21. You will submit this assignment in the form of a link to your power point presentation recording with screencastomatic.com. The recording must include the presentation and your face in the corner. Present as though you were presenting in an online forum. Professional look and clear pronunciation is needed in order to receive credit for this assignment. A sample link and recording will be provided in Blackboard.

You should include the following slides for your presentations:

  • Cover slide (Chapters covered and your name)
  • One slide per question – with brief high level answer on slide (at least 8 slides)
    • In order to receive full credit the student will provide an answer to the question by speaking to the camera and explaining to the audience in greater detail, the answer and why that answer was chosen. It will not be acceptable to just read the answer provided on your slide – you must elaborate.
  • Closing slide/Thank you

Presentation must be no longer than 5 minutes. Presentations longer than 5 minutes will be receive deductions.

After you’ve recorded your presentation, upload the presentation to your online screencastomatic.com account. Then, provide a copy of the link to your presentation in the discussion board thread for this assignment.

No responses to classmates are required for this post.


1)This is a power point presentation

2)It should be 200 words

3)citations and references should be in a APA format

4)below i text the attached files of questions from chapter 20 &chapter 21

5)please check the PLAGIARISM is the main role

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The instructor asked me to write a one page summary on the last lecture

I have attached a power point copy of the lecture

I am international student, so please use simple words as much as you can.

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The Essay should be 500 words.

the article is attached with the requirement

use word that we use in regular conversation, and there is worry if you use some formal word. Not too formal, though.

* An analysis essay begins with a short summary which concludes with YOUR thesis statement. This is NOT the same as the thesis statement of the article you are analyzing, Readers are interested in YOUR Interpretation /judgment/conclusions.

* The rest of your essay supports your thesis statement, and draws directly from the article with paraphrases and direct quotes from the article. which you use to support your ideas.

* Your thesis can be any ideas that you draw from the article. For example students reading the article “Big Box Stores Are Bad for Main Street” may have very different reactions to it. we know that Emilia Sanchez, the student writer in the book, felt that the article was based on emotions and not economic reality. Here are some other possible analyses of the same article:

1. Big Box stores should not all be lumped together in the same category, as they are separate businesses, each with their own policies and priorities.

2. The author has over-looked the benefits of Big Box stores for employment and revitalization of small towns.

3. The economic reality is that tax-breaks and other incentives are a part of doing business in America, and Big Box stores and employers are not the only ones to benefit.

4. Big Box stores provide not only an economic, but a social boost to cities

5. Big Box stores are destroying the American way of life by limiting social interactions and preventing small-town local consumers and government officials to decide on the direction their towns will take.

6. Big Box stores are part of a larger conspiracy for foreigners to take over the United States.

7. The convenience of Big Box stores outweighs the romantic (sentimental) notion of our lifestyles in modern times.

As you can see. there can be many interpretations of the same article. Your job is to show the reader what YOU feel about it and explain WHY you feel that way, using evidence from the article to support your thesis.

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Network Management Paper: In this paper, you will research and report on network management tools associated with (1) policy compliance, (2) bandwidth management, and (3) asset management. Compare and contrast, at least, one tool for each of the three network management areas. What is the best tool for each area? Can one tool be used for managing more than one area? Why or why not? Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 3 to 5 pages of content, and a minimum of three peer-reviewed references

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