In the case analysis please discuss the strategy options available to the company at the time of the case, define your strategy, then explain why you have chosen that strategy.In this case you should take the aspect of Laura Ashley, when you in the condition as her what will you choose. you should focus on the managerial decision to be made. Choose a course of action, and explain your decision-making process. Be specific. Do not spend much time summarizing the basic facts of the case. I am looking for your ideas to address the situation. You should also talk about the financial statement on the case. what agreement you like what you do not like and why you like them or don’t like them. The written cases should be no more than three pages in length, plus exhibits. All written cases are to be typed, double-spaced with normal margins in 12-point font. Do not submit case solutions from the web. Use your own strategy, this is very important.

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