34) What JavaScript object and method is used to write HTML to the web page? a. document.println() b. document.writeln() c. window.write() d. window.print() 35) How many DOM nodes are created from the paragraph?

Feed the dog.

a. None b. One for the p element c. One for the p element and one for the paragraph text d. One for the p element, one for the paragraph text, and one for the whitespace within the paragraph text 36) Which statement changes the Pinterest link to a YouTube link? DOM example


a. para.href = “https://www.youtube.com/”; b. link.href = “https://www.youtube.com/”; c. para.innerHTML = “https://www.youtube.com/”; d. link.innerHTML = “https://www.youtube.com/”; 37) What is the preferred way to register an event handler that allows multiple handlers for the same event? a. myButton.addEventListener(“click”, clickHandler); b. myButton.onclick = clickHandler; c. d. 38) An event that occurs when someone enters their name in an input field is a(n) _____ event. a. click b. load c. input d. submit 39) On a given keypress event, the event object’s _____ property is used to access the object where the keypress event occurred. a. event b. click c. target d. element 40) The _____ is required to cancel the interval: let timerId = setInterval(repeatMe, 1000); a. clearInterval(repeatMe) b. clearInterval(timerId) c. stopInterval(timerId) d. setTimeout(timerId) 41) What code would be used to call a function called repeat every 3 seconds? a. setTimeout(repeat, 3) b. setInterval(repeat, 3000); c. setInterval(repeat, 3); d. setTimeout(repeat, 3000) 42) How many times isshowMe()called when the following code is executed? let timerId = setTimeout(showMe, 3000); function showMe() { let div1 = document.getElementById(“div1”); div1.style.display = “block”; alert(“called”); let timerId = setTimeout(showMe, 3000); } a. indefinitely b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 43) In the following JSON, the datatype associated with friends is _____. {“friends”: [{ “name”:”Bobby”}, {“name”:”Celia”},{“name”:”Judy”}]} a. string b. object c. array d. char 44) How is the age field accessed after the following is executed: let obj = JSON.parse(‘{“name”:”Bobby”, “age”:20}’); a. this.age b. age c. obj.age d. obj.name.age 45) What doesstringify()return? JSON.stringify({“friends”: [{ “name”:”Bobby”}, {“name”:”Celia”},{“name”:”Judy”}]}); a. single string b. string array c. JSON object d. undefined 46) A(n) _____ allows older browsers to function with newer features by providing missing functionality. a. trifill b. backfill c. polyfill d. altfill 47) A polyfill is engineered to: a. Use JavaScript to implement a feature whenever possible b. Replace HTML to implement a feature after checking if a feature exists c. Use JavaScript to implement a feature after checking if a feature exists d. Use Ajax to implement a feature whenever possible 48) The _____ website shows what features are supported by major browsers and frequency of use. a. W3C b. Tiobe c. CanIUse d. W3Schools 49) Which strings match the regex? let words = [“dapper”, “paper”, “cat”, “flack”]; let re = /pa|ac/; a. dapper, paper b. paper, flack c. flack, cat d. dapper, flack 50) Which regular expression matches only the words burp, dirt, and right? let randomWords = [“burp”, “try”, “dirt”, “right”]; a. let re = /[a-i]/ b. let re = /[e-i]/ c. let re = /[i-u]/ d. let re = /[r]/ 51) Which string inwordNumsmatches the regex? let wordNums = [“blahblah!!”, “yea”, “N()P3”, “H!”]; let re = /waS!/; a. blahblah!! b. yea c. N()P3 d. H! 52) Which line of code instantiates Adele and the album 21? function PlayList(artist, album) { this.artist = artist; this.album = album; };…

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