There are four videos for this week’s discussion. Watch all videos before beginning your discussion, because this helps you to think critically through your approach to the discussion. Because this board is summative, your answer is lengthy and well developed, and will include questions to other students rather than simple comments.

Thinking through the lessons that we see in this week’s videos, tie it all together toward sustaining change. What happens when YOU are the barrier to change? How do we recognize the problem when the problem is us? How do the videos help us learn to create and sustain change? As you look back over the term, what are the lessons that you believe will contribute to sustained change for your change initiative? What pieces, specifically, did you put in place to keep the initiative on track and to meet its intended outcome? Did you create a linked mission and vision to direct the change initiative? Did you include a communication plan to facilitate the change? As a change agent, what perspective is the best fit for you personally? Did you play to your own strengths? Did you use any of the many tools in the text to guide your change initiative? For example, did you assess readiness for change?

How did the discussion boards and other assignments contribute to your personal changes? Did you perceive change in yourself? How will you sustain that change? Tie it all together to explain the lessons that stick with you as you complete your last case and prepare to complete the course. Tell us about Change Management.

Minimum 500 Words, APA Format, 3 References minimum

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