Locate a current article on a factor which would be expected to drive real estate markets. Source of the article can be

  • Newspaper
  • Magazine
  • Internet

The article should be no older than six months. When you turn in your assignment, include a complete citation of the article in APA format.

The factors you might consider are those we have discussed in class, such as population changes, governmental powers, fair housing, or any other public policy topics that are directly related.
Do NOT choose an article which deals specifically with real estate market conditions.

Prepare a 1-2 page written assignment: (double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman type face). This will include:

  • A Brief summary of the article (1 paragraph)
  • Explanation of how the article relates to real estate market as presented in the textbook and lectures (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Analysis of the impact you believe this factor will have on real estate demand, supply and equilibrium in the relevant market (1-2 paragraphs)

(criteria) analysis and degree to which the article ties to the market analysis subject matter. Be certain to use appropriate written form.

Also, be sure to post a summary of your article

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