Bio Discussion (Please respond in time so that I can post and provide post for reply)
In this activity, you will use what you’ve learned about evolution to either find an example of it happening in recent history OR you can research a mutation, either beneficial or detrimental, and how it has contributed to the species evolution. You will need to use some online search skills to address either of these discussion topics.
For your post, choose between one of the topics below: ($8.00)
Topic 1
- Research examples of evolution that has been documented in current time.
- Choose one example for close analysis.
- Go to the Evolution in Recent History Discussion topic, and create a new thread of at least 250 words (excluding citations) containing the following information, using APA for citations and support:
- Describe the evolution that occurred in current time.
- Explain why the evolution occurred in current time.
Topic 2
- Through research, find a single example of a beneficial or detrimental mutation.
- Go to the Mutations in Evolution discussion topic, and create a new thread of at least 250 words (excluding citations) containing the following information, using APA for citations and support:
- Identify and describe to your classmates the example of mutation that has been detrimental or beneficial. The species can be any species- humans or otherwise.
For your replay, return to the discussion topic and reply to one of your classmates’ posts who has not had a reply ($2.00).
- The reply should be evident you read the post and have a thoughtful response.
- The reply should be at least five sentences total. Replies should not say “cool post”, “good idea”, etc., but answer the post based on the following criteria.
- Is the post detailed enough to describe the discussion topic?
- Does the post grab your interest? Why/not?
- If applicable, is the post supported with proper scientific sources and citations?
- Comments will be taken into consideration for grading purposes.
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