A Read through the Case Project 2-3 located on page 74 of the text. Answer the following questions in a 500-1000 word paper. Describe      how OSI model layers can affect a network’s design and networking in      general. There      are two different types of switching technologies available in today’s      market. One lives on one layer while the other resides in a different      layer of the OSI model. Locate these switching technologies, describe the      differences in functionality, and relate those differences to the      functions inherent within the OSI model. Your OSI model annotation      document from week 1 will be valuable. How      can the OSI model be useful during troubleshooting processes? B In      the center of the diagram, beneath each label place a 1 or 2-word      descriptor for that layer. Create      a list of at least 10 networking devices. Add those devices to their      proper layer on the left side of the diagram. Create      a list of at least 40 protocols. For each protocol, determine its port      number. Add each protocol to the appropriate layer on the right side of      the diagram. Note: Some protocols span multiple layers. Indicate these protocols by adding +/- to the annotation.

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