Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named you.

You’re so like the lady with the mystic smile.
Is it only ‘cause you’re lonely they have blamed you?
For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile?
Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?
Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?
Many dreams have been brought to your doorstep
They just lie there and they die there.
Are you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?
Or just a cold and lonely, lovely work of art?

– Nat King Cole

Respond to this question. Your response should be approximately 750 words.

Mona Lisa is Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting. In fact, ‘she’ is the most famous painting in the world. She is even considered to be the most famous
work of art in the world.

In your opinion, what is the primary reason for this evolution in fame? Do you think the original painting has been enhanced or diminished by this change in status? Explain how and give specific examples from the internet of how her image has been ‘borrowed’ by contemporary advertisers. (50 points)

Please note that the paper must be entirely original – though you will likely use sources, you will credit those sources. and no plagiarism. Assembling together passages from web pages or books, cutting and pasting together a paper from other people’s sources or writings is plagiarism and will be punished as such, even if you footnote those sources.

Remember that less-than-graceful writing will count strongly against you, as will misspellings and typos and other signs of carelessness.

This essay should start with a brief description of the artwork, in which you display your knowledge of vocabulary. You must include your own ideas in these essays, arguing your case well. If you have any questions,

Your paper is due by midnight Sunday. Turn in your paper by clicking on this link:

The rubric for grading.:







Addresses subject presented in assignment, attempts to answer all questions asked

Addresses subject, misses one of the questions asked

Addresses subject but misses at least two of the questions; misunderstands subject



Introduction grasps reader’s attention (engages the reader) and forecasts major points

Some introduction; nothing beyond a forecast

No or poor introduction


Articulation of Thesis

Clear articulation of thesis or argument

Some articulation of thesis

No or poor articulation of thesis


Paragraph Development

Paragraphs are consistently well developed, w/ a clear topic sentence & appropriate number of sentences that provide examples & develop points

Some structure and development of paragraphs and/or some with clear topic sentences or focus, but not consistently

Poor paragraphs with no clear topic sentence; multiple topics; little or no development


Use of Examples

Frequent or consistent use of examples & evidence; example or evidence appears whenever the reader asks, “For instance?”

Some use of examples or evidence, but not consistent; no examples or evidence in places where they are needed

Little or no use of examples



Every paragraph works to support the thesis; “linked” paragraphs

Occasional tangents; repetition

Lack of coherence; i.e. mismatch between the thesis and the body; tangents



A conclusion going beyond summary of what was written in the body of the essay

Some summary of points made, but nothing beyond summary; no broad conclusions/lessons

No or poor conclusion or summary of argument



Writing has a compelling opening, an informative middle, and a satisfying conclusion

Writing has a beginning, a middle, and an end

Organization is rough but workable; may sometimes get off topic

Writing is aimless and disorganized



Strong and/or consistent transition between points in essay; strong flow

Some transition or flow between paragraphs; partial structure to argument

Little or no transition between paragraphs; poor flow



Sentences are clear and complete

Sentences are well-constructed; some awkward sentences do appear

Sentences are often awkward, run-ons, or fragments

Run-on sentences and sentence fragments make essay hard to read


Variation of sentences

Effective variation of sentence length and type

Some variation of sentences. Sentences of varying length or type, but not varied effectively.

Little or no variation of sentences; monotonous use of sentence type. (length, complexity)


Word Choice

Words are striking but natural, varied and vivid

Some find and some routine word choices

Words often dull or uninspired, or sound like trying too hard to impress

Same words over and over; some words may be confusing or used incorrectly



Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling

A few errors to fix, but generally use correct conventions (1-2)

Enough errors in essay to make paper distract a reader (3-4)

Numerous errors make paper hard to read (5 or more)



No factual errors

1 or more facts wrong



675 – 825 word

600 – 675 words; over 825

Less than 600 words



All references correctly cited; includes image if one is warranted

References cited incorrectly or no image included (if image is warranted)


Total =

50 pts

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