Emancipation Proclamation One year into the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln found himself fighting a battle with Congress and the citizens of the United States. The Union was not doing well on the field of battle against the forces of the Confederacy and it seemed the young men of the Union were dying for reasons not understood nor accepted by the public. Why should they give the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep the Union together? If the southern states wanted to go it on their own, why not let them? The price was too high. In fact, Lincoln had several constituencies he needed to keep in the effort or at least to keep from supporting the Confederacy: 1.The general public 2.The border states 3.The slaves and supporters of union in the Confederacy 4.Foreign governments – especially the British The Emancipation Proclamation became the vehicle by which he did this. Write an essay in which you explain how the Emancipation Proclamation addressed each of these constituencies. A transcription of the proclamation is available at a link in OpenStax US History – in chapter 15, Emancipation (pg 440). A copy of the original can be viewed at the National Archives: https://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=34

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