Identify an issue that you have experienced at work, relevant to the content discussed in this course to date. Examples of potential issues:

  • Inadequate recruitment, onboarding, or training
  • Inadequate performance development processes
  • Inadequate application of any or all of the POLC functions
  • Critical thinking or ethical dilemma

Write a 2 – 3 page paper, covering the following:

  1. Provide a brief overview of the situation, and issue/s
  2. Examine the issues through the theories from the textbook in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, and 14
  3. Be certain to utilize a multiple perspective analysis, based upon course content (textbook) and your own experience and expertise. Be certain to present multiple points of view, not just one point of view.
  4. What do you identify as the real issue/s, and how do you recommend resolving it/ them
  5. Be certain to cite theories and course content that support your analysis and recommendations.

Use this book: Neck, Lattimer, and Houghton (2013). Management (1st ed.). Wiley ISBN: 978-1118749548

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