Analysis Paper
Communication is used to inform, to persuade and to analyze. In this assignment, you will analyze both sides of an issue and then present a fair and objective analysis. You will practice looking at both sides of an issue by writing an argument, a counterargument, and rebuttal.
Remember that you should not use the same topic you used for your Week 5 paper. This is a new topic (the collection of intelligence state side would not be invading citizens privacy) that you identified in your week 2 forum.
Your introduction paragraph should include a “hook” to grab the reader’s attention. The thesis statement is typically seen in the first paragraph. To provide support for your thesis, you should use credible sources and cite them according to the style of your discipline. In this persuasive paper, you will follow this structure and include a counterargument in which you introduce and provide support for a contradictory point of view. Following the counterargument, you will provide a rebuttal, in which you explain why your initial point of view is more compelling than the counterargument. Both the counterargument and rebuttal should be integrated smoothly into your paper; no headings are needed to announce them. The conclusion should restate the strongest points from your argument and reinforce the conclusion while giving the reader something to think about moving forward. The conclusion may mention the counterargument and rebuttal.
- PURPOSE: To analyze
- AUDIENCE: Classmates, others interested in the field
- LENGTH: 1,000 words (Times New Roman font). Exceeding the word count is not a good thing.
- SOURCES: 5 (five) sources total, with at least 1 (one) from a professional journal in the APUS Library (peer-reviewed)
- FORMAT: The citation style that is appropriate for your discipline
Annotated Bibliography
Choose any two of the five sources used for this assignment. Each source will have the correct citation entry for the citation style you are using, as well as an annotation, which is made of a paragraph or two telling the reader about the source.
Here are the steps you will take:
Sample Annotation.Each of your entries should follow the format below.
Sally Student
COLL 300
Annotated Bibliography- MLA
Model from APUS Citation Guide (MLA)
Author last name, first name. Book title. City: publisher, year. Medium.
Calkins, Lucy.Raising Lifelong Learners: A Parent’s Guide.Reading: Addison-Wesley
Lucy Calkins is a noted teacher and researcher in reading and writing. Her book is a guide for parents, helping them to work with their children’s schools to create a positive learning environment and a lifelong love of learning in their children.Topics covered include fostering learning and curiosity in mathematics, science, social studies, reading, and writing.Calkins’ work also offers advice on school curriculum and testing. By providing specific examples of parental involvement, this book will help support my assertion that parents need to play a strong role in their children’s education.
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