In the UNCONSCIOUS BIAS FOLDER in Canvas, read the article about Hewlett Packard (HP) . They won a Silver Anvil Award through the Public Relations Society of America for their“Reinvent Mindsets” campaign.Please write a single-spaced paper (use 10 or 12 point font) that is AT LEAST one full page. In your paper, you MUST answer ALL of the following questions, and defend WHY or WHY NOT.

  • Do you think a lot of companies suffer from unconscious bias in hiring? Why or why not?
  • What one thing surprised you the most in this article?
  • This campaign resulted in hiring increases of certain groups.Do you think this effort is sustainable in the long term? What might HP need to do to make sure they don’t go back to their old ways?

You should set up your paper with headings for each of the 3 questions above so you remember to address everything that is required. Then just write your response to that question below it.

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