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  •           Week 5 Case Study: The Creation of Israel and Israeli Settlement in Palestine         

Due Oct 6 by                  11:59pm 

  • Points 100 

Submitting a file upload 

  • IntroductionFILLER TEXTThe  nation of Israel was officially created on November 29, 1947 as a  result of UN Resolution 181 to provide a homeland for the Jewish people  in a region with strong historical significance to people of Jewish  faith (as well as Muslim and Christian faiths). This was accomplished by  partitioning Palestine, an Arab nation, into two nations, creating  animosity among the Arab peoples in the region, particularly the  Palestinians, and resulting in decades of conflict between them and the  nation of Israel. In the intervening years, Israel has engaged in the  practice of expanding its territory into Palestine by creating Israeli  settlements there. One of the recent incidents of this practice was  address by Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Executive Committee member of the  Palestinian Liberation Organization.

InstructionsFILLER TEXTReview the following resources:

Link (website): Statement of Dr. Hanan Ashrawi in Regard to Jewish Settlements (Links to an external site.) 

  • Address the following in a case study analysis:

According to UN Resolution 181, what are the rights of Arabs in Israel and what are the rights of Jews in Palestine? 

Are the resulting conflicts religious, economic, territorial, or a combination of these? Support your assessment with evidence.

  • Is the practice of creating Israeli settlements in Palestine  illegal? Assess Dr. Ashrawi’s statement that “Israeli Prime Minister  Benjamin Netanyahu is more committed to settlement expansion than to  peace.”

What is the US position on this practice and how has this affected international relations?

  • Writing Requirements (APA format) 

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)

  • 1-inch margins

Double spaced

  • 12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

  • References page

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday 

  • Rubric

Case Study Grading Rubric – 100 pts 

  • Case Study Grading Rubric – 100 pts 


  •    Ratings


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Length 


  • 5.0                    pts                                  Meets length requirement

0.0                    pts                                  Does not meet length requirement

5.0 ptsFILLER TEXT            

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content 


  • 10.0                    pts                                  Paper addresses all aspects of the assignment.

8.5                    pts                                  Paper addresses most aspects of the assignment.

7.5                    pts                                  Paper addresses some aspects of the assignment.

6.0                    pts                                  Paper addresses few aspects of the assignment.

0.0                    pts                                  No effort

10.0 ptsFILLER TEXT            

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analysis 

25.0                    pts                                  Throughout the whole work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.

22.0                    pts                                  Throughout most of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.

19.0                    pts                                  Throughout some of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.

15.0                    pts                                  Throughout little of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.

  • 0.0                    pts                                  No effort

25.0 ptsFILLER TEXT            

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Support 

20.0                    pts                                  Throughout  the whole work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive  examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.

  • 17.0                    pts                                  Throughout  most of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive  examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.

15.0                    pts                                  Throughout  some of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive  examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.

12.0                    pts                                  Throughout  little of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive  examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.

0.0                    pts                                  No effort

20.0 ptsFILLER TEXT            

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar, Mechanics, and Style 

  • 20.0                    pts                                  Throughout  the whole work, the text is free of major errors in grammar, spelling,  and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.
  • 17.0                    pts                                  Throughout  most of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar,  spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence  variety.
  • 15.0                    pts                                  Throughout  some of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar,  spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence  variety.
  • 12.0                    pts                                  Throughout  little of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar,  spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence  variety.

0.0                    pts                                  No effort

20.0 ptsFILLER TEXT            

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA: Citation and Reference Formatting 

  • 10.0                    pts                                  Throughout  the whole work, in-text references are formatted using APA style;  references page includes complete bibliographic information for sources  using APA style.
  • 8.5                    pts                                  Throughout  most of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style;  references page includes complete bibliographic information for sources  using APA style.
  • 7.5                    pts                                  Throughout  some of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style;  references page includes complete bibliographic information for sources  using APA style.
  • 6.0                    pts                                  Throughout  little of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style;  references page includes complete bibliographic information for sources  using APA style.
  • 0.0                    pts                                  No effort
  • 10.0 ptsFILLER TEXT            

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA: Title Page & References Page 


5.0                    pts                                  Paper includes both title page and references page.

2.5                    pts                                  Paper includes either a title page or references page.

0.0                    pts                                  Paper does not include a title page or references page.

5.0 ptsFILLER TEXT            

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Primary Source Reference 


5.0                    pts                                  Paper includes reference to the primary source provided within the case study.

0.0                    pts                                  Paper does not make reference to the primary source provided within the case study.

5.0 ptsFILLER TEXT            


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