Hello there, I need help writing an informative speech for my communications class. Please find below the necessary requirements needing to be met.

My Informative speech topic is to inform about different learning styles students use such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Also how students use art, music and other forms of art as a form of therapy for learning.

Your speech must include 2 Pages typed double spaced, times new roman, 12 point font, Attribution to avoid plagiarism, time limit for the speech is between 5-6 mins. No more then 6 mins. Have a proper heading for your speech, Have an introduction (attention getter), make sure your content is informative, well organized, interesting, and described in appropriate language, you have a conclusion (with summary and a crisp ending), Make sure to include an outline and a Bibliography, for your research use at least six credible sources with complete citations, And have some sort of Visual Aid present in your speech is a MUST.

Thank you for your help with this I do greatly appreciate all you have done to help me.

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