Question 1. Which of the following factors that affect supply do NOT shift the supply graph to the right? Technological changes Size of the industry Weather Input prices 2. There is a negative relation between income and the demand for health care: the richer the country, the greater the demand for health care . True False 3. _______ costs are easily identified because a recent market transaction is available to provide an accurate measure of costs Implicit Direct Explicit Indirect 4. In general, goods and services which are close substitutes have higher price elasticities True False 5. ________ is the sole provider of a good or service in a well defined market with no close substitutions . Perfect competition Oligopoly Monopoly Oligopolistic competition 6. _______ examines how changes in market conditions influence the positions of the demand and supply curve and cause the equilibrium price and quantity to change . Marginal private benefit Marginal private cost Comparative statics• 7. If the percentage increase in the quantity consumed is greater than the associated percentage increase in income the good is called___ Superior good Inferior good Normal good 8. A good for which income elasticity is positive but less than one . The good is called a(n) ___ Superior good Normal good Inferior good 9. The ___ effect would encourage the substitution of other consumer goods for investment in health as one ages . substitution addition subtraction 10. Which is not a state health incentive? The Oregon Health Plan Hawaii’s Universal Coverage Minnesota Care California Universal Health Coverage

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