Practicum Journal: Checkpoint for Certification Plan Psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioners currently have only one choice for certification, which is through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The ANCC offers the “psychiatric/mental-health nurse practitioner (across the lifespan)” board certification (PMHNP-BC). In many states, board certification is needed as a prerequisite to being granted an NP license. Even if board certification is not a requirement for state licensure, it may be a requirement to receive privileges in various hospitals and other health care facilities. It may also be required by malpractice insurance providers prior to issuing coverage to NPs. Learning Objectives Students will: Evaluate progress on certification plans Report your progress on the Certification Plan you completed in Week 4 (SEE ATTACHED WEEK 4 CERTIFICATION PLAN DONE) Assignment Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following: 1) What have you done to prepare for your certification? 2) Have you completed the scheduled tasks assigned on your timeline as you noted in week 4 ? If not, what are your plans to stay on schedule?(SEE ATTACHED WEEK 4 CERTIFICATION PLAN DONE) INSTRUCTION NB: for this Assignment (Journal Entries) · Include references  immediately following  the content. · Use APA style for your journal entry and references less than 5 years old. . PLEASE INCLUDE INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION AND REFERENCES LESS THAN 5 YEARS OLD Learning Resources Required Readings Barton Associates. (2017). Nurse practitioner scope of practice laws. Retrieved from American Psychiatric Association. (2016). Practice guidelines for the psychiatric evaluation of adults. Retrieved from

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