The Verbania project is nearing completion. The solution is nearly ready for implementation. As a highly valued member of the team, you alone have been selected to develop the Implementation Plan. This Implementation Plan must identify what will be addressed regarding maintenance. Your final task is to create the following: Executive summary Implementation Plan (plus training) A set of maintenance tasks Final Insights of Capstone Project Executive Summary Compose a high-level summary of the Systems Implementation Plan that you are presenting to Verbania. The purpose of this section is to provide your client with an easy-to-read description of the project, describing what it will mean for the company. Final Insights From Capstone Project Describe how the team successfully collaborated to develop a cohesive and comprehensive solution. Identify the best practices, techniques, and technologies employed throughout the process. Specify the benefits to Verbania resulting from this solution. Discuss your strengths while contributing to this project. Summarize your areas of growth uncovered during this Capstone project. System Implementation and Maintenance Framework List system implementation milestones that Verbania can expect for this project. Provide user training needs and specific training information. List the required maintenance routines or security measures that will ensure the long-term success of the solution. Prepare 3–4 pages covering details regarding system implementation and the maintenance framework. Insert this information into Section 5 of the template. Submit the complete document containing all elements of the activities as an individual assignment. Submit the Executive Summary, Final Insights, and your Systems Implementation Plan

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