iLab 1 of 7: Creating a User InterfaceNote! Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page.(See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.)Remember This! Connect to the iLab here.iLAB OVERVIEW Scenario and SummaryThis program creates the basic user interface code that can be used in the following week’s iLab assignments. The assignment will help you get started using the programming environment and some practice with coding. You will also be able to reuse much, if not all, of the code in later assignments.In this program, you will create the following methods:DisplayApplicationInformation, which will provide the program user some basic information about the program. DisplayDivider, which will provide a meaningful output separator between different sections of the program output. GetInput, which is a generalized function that will prompt the user for a specific type of information, then return the string representation of the user input. TerminateApplication, which provides a program termination message and then terminates the application. Using these methods, you will construct a program that prompts the user for the following:your name, which will be a string data type; your age, which will be an integer data type; the gas mileage for your car, which will be a double data type; and a display of the collected information. Also, note that the program should contain a well-documented program header.DeliverablesStep Deliverable Step 4 Screenshot of running program results Step 5 Zip file with entire Lab files

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