I have to create an Ethics application for one of the assignment at university, however, my main dissertation is more so related to a geopolitical question. As I have never done an ethics application before, I am finding it hard to understand as to how I should go about creating a ethics application when most of my research will be revolved around qualitative measurement.

I told my professor and he said that I would just have to create a mock one instead, since I wont need one to be applied to my main dissertation. Below is the details of what is needed from me:

Ethics Application (4-6 pages)

Students will develop and plan a fieldwork component for their thesis (regardless of whether they intend to conduct fieldwork) and complete an ethics application accordingly. This comprises the following components:

  • Description of the proposed research and methods (up to 2 pages) – This should include information on your research topic, proposed research methods, a justification for these methods, potential ethical considerations, proposed research participants and methods of recruitment.
  • Student course-based ethics application form.
  • Participant information sheet (1 page) – This should briefly explain the project to potential participants. It should include: the project title, research question, methods, recruitment, and requirements of participation.
  • Consent form (1 page) – All project participants will be required to sign a consent form.
  • Interview/focus group schedules (up to 2 pages) – A list of questions, as well as pre- and post- checklists.
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