Response three: Healthcare reform aims to move the focus of the healthcare system from cure to prevention and wellness. This is vital because not only does it shift to a mode of primary health promotion instead of secondary or tertiary and therefore increases the probability of getting better patient outcomes, it usually does so while providing cheaper and more effective forms of treatment (Benjamin, 2011). A disease-oriented health care system usually focuses on curing a patient rather than finding the root cause of the problem, but that is usually ineffective when it comes to patients who have chronic diseases. By focusing on prevention and wellness, it is possible to prevent such diseases from manifesting in the first place and therefore maintain a much higher quality of life for the patient. Nursing is an intricate part of this shift. Often, one of the core tenets to prevention and wellness is patient education. Nurses are usually the ones in charge of that. Furthermore, nurses work the most with patients, and if the goal is to encourage health and well being, it is the nurses who have to take the lead in making that happen.

Benjamin R. M. (2011). The national prevention strategy: shifting the nation’s health-care system. Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 126(6), 774–776. doi:10.1177/003335491112600602

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