Project Summary: Yore Blends (YB) is a fictional online company dedicated to selling subscription-based traditional spice blends coupled with additional complementary products such as gifts, kitchen utensils, and eco-friendly storage options. In the long term, they aspire to growing through mergers and acquisitions which requires a strong customer base and steady revenue. In the short turn, they are concerned about customer churn (the percentage of customers that have stopped buying their products and services). Issue: Customers seem to stop ordering products and/or using the service after several months. Business Believes: By targeting customers who are at risk for churn customer attrition can be reduced by 16% Data scope: Customer account data for previous 24 months Instructions : 1)    300 word Executive Overview 2)    Minimum Slides = 25 (Include title page, references, and slides that address each of the required areas) Minimum References = 5 APA Formatting 3)  Speaker’s notes in APA format with citations and references ( one page )

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