1. In the first column, identify creators from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries who you think made important contributions to art and culture in the form of humanities artifacts that impacted society.
  2. Identify one of the artifacts they created (in the second column) and the medium of the artifact (in the third column). Recall from Fundamentals of Human Culture that mediums can include dance, literature, sculpture, visual arts, architecture, music, performance, and so forth. Then, explain why you believe the creator felt the need to express their ideas (in the fourth column).

For example, if one of the people you chose was John Lennon, you could identify one of his songs and discuss how the song relates to examples of his social activism.

Once you have completed the second table, answer the question presented at the bottom of the page: What differences do you notice between the artifacts from each era? Reflecting on what you have learned in this theme, where do you think those differences stemmed from?

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