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Healthcare Crisis

Defend whether you believe there is a healthcare crisis in the United Sates. Analyze how the US health care system performs. Consider the fact that as technology advances, so does the cost of health care. Evaluate the implications for this in terms of service delivery for human services providers. Based on this evaluation discuss what you believe are the challenges leaders will face in the managing of human resources in human services organizations. Be sure to support your position with academic references. (This issue has many political implications; please try to avoid party rhetoric and political arguments). Explain your answer.


Healthcare Triage. (2014, February 17). The healthcare system of the United States [Video File]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Herzberg, J. T. (2015). Foundations in human services practice: A generalist perspective on individual, agency, and community. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.
Chapter 5: Human Services Management and Supervision

Karger, H. J. & Stoesz , D. (2018). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.
Chapter 12: The American Health Care System

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