Compare Judith Ortiz Cofer and Sandra Cisneros work.
Compare/Contrast the mestiza, borderlands, and cultural issues found in two writers’ work. Please respond in a five-paragraph APA essay format with quotes, proper in-text citations, and references.
Please be sure to include the following in your assignment submission:
- We must include three quotes from our readings. When we discuss literature, it is all about the words before us. They are ours to consider and reflect on. So, you will want to make a strong assertion and prove it, or support it, by quoting from the readings. Include three quotes in our essay.
- Create a strong thesis for your essay. A thesis states your main idea in a sentence. A sample thesis (which you are free to use) might be: The concepts of the mestiza consciousness, borderlands, and cross-culture challenges influence the writings of Latino writers.
Make sure works cited is in APA format and that any sources used within the text has the citations included.
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