I need this power point done by Sunday Morning. I attached the rubric and here are the directions from the professor. This is a nursing class so needs to follow along those lines. This is the book you can reference at the end: Giddens, J. F. (2017). Concepts for Nursing Practice. Second Edition. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.


For this assignment, you will choose two (2) of the course concepts that were discussed this term and create a 10 slide professional visual PowerPoint presentation. NOTE: The 10 slides do not include the title slide or reference slide.

First, pick two (2) course concepts from the list below:

  1. Safety
  2. Healthcare Quality
  3. Leadership
  4. Collaboration/Interpersonal Violence
  5. Healthcare Economics
  6. Technology and Informatics

Then, develop your PowerPoint Presentation. Consider following this pattern for your slides:

  • Slide 1 – Title slide (Does not count toward the slide count)
  • Slide 2 – Introduction slide (Introduces and discusses the two selected course concepts)
  • Slide 3 & 4 – Identify and appraise the first selected concept (Consider the exemplars evaluated during the course)
  • Slide 5 & 6 – Identify and appraise the second selected concept (Consider the exemplars evaluated during the course)
  • Slide 7 – Describe how the two concepts impact the nurses’ need to use high level clinical judgement (Consider how nurses advance clinical practice because of the identified concept)
  • Slide 8 & 9 – Analyze the emerging health initiatives surrounding the two selected concepts (Discuss what initiatives have developed because of the identified exemplars discussed throughout the course)
  • Slide 10 – Discuss how to advance workplace communication (Identify how to advance communication within the healthcare metaparadigm)
  • Slide 11 – Conclude the presentation (Provide an overview of what was discussed in the presentation)
  • Slide 12– Reference slide (References must be in APA Style and citations must be included in the presentation and speaker notes; does not count toward the slide count)
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