MICROSOFT WORD INCLUDED For the nutrition handout complete and get back to me.  3 to 4 sentences. NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE Priority is multiple choice, you can either highlight the correct answer or highlight in BOLD.

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Purpose This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs). CO3 Define standardized terminology that reflects nursing’s unique contribution to patient outcomes. (PO 3) CO8 Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO 8) Discussion Standardized Terminology and Language in Informatics is an important part of healthcare. Nurses and healthcare workers need to understand and be able to communicate clearly. Please select one of the following options and discuss your understanding of the role in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice. Usability Integration Interface Interoperability Meaningful Use Reimbursement from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) payment NANDA NIC/NOC

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the book to use for the assignment: the  Psychiatric—Mental Health Nursing: Evidence-Based Concepts, Skills, and Practices by Wanda K. Mohr. Mental Health Key Terms: 1) Type the definition of each of the KEY TERM from the 1st page of each of the 39 chapters from the  Psychiatric—Mental Health Nursing: Evidence-Based Concepts, Skills, and Practices by Wanda K. Mohr. 2) Cite the page in the textbook each key term is found. 3) Submit all the Key Terms in one document. pls write out key terms from each chapter and definitions

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Synthesis Identify 3 “aha’s” as you have progressed through the program. What are your thoughts now regarding the role of the professional nurse? How will your integrate related cultural and/or spiritual aspects into your role as a professional nurse? (Modules 2-7 Discussions must have citations and references) DO NOT FORGET TO ADD A CITATION AND REFERENCE FOR INITIAL POST

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The Case of Mrs. G. Mrs. G. is a 75 year old Hispanic woman who has been relatively well all of her life. She had been married for 50 years and had five children. Her children are grown with families of their own. All but one of her children live in other states. Mrs. G.’s husband passed away last year, which was devastating for her. She had been very close to him and relied upon him for everything. He was “the life of the party” she always said and was a loving and caring man. Since his passing, Mrs. G. has continued to live in the house they shared for 35 years. In the last month, Mrs. G. has fallen twice sustaining injuries, though minimal. Her home health nurse comes weekly to check in on her. Mrs. G. likes her very much and wishes she could come more often. Mrs. G.’s daughter who lives in the next town over, has been worried and decided with the urging of her siblings and the doctor to start looking for an assisted living facility for her mother. She found one last week and talked with the Director who said she would be happy to help in whatever way was best. The daughter decided to tell her mother that it was time for her to move, so she can be cared for and be safe. When she told her mother, Mrs. G. cried and said, “This will not happen ever. I plan to stay in this house of loving memories for the remainder of my life.” In 3 – 4 pages answer the following questions: How would you best describe Mrs. G.’s feelings about her life, her family, her traditions, and her future? Did Mrs. G.’s response to her daughter surprise you? Please explain your answer. In what way do you believe her culture might be influencing her decision? If you were Mrs. G.’s daughter what would you say to her that shows you are caring and have compassion for her situation? What nonverbal communication would support that level of communication? Suppose Mrs. G. stands firm about not leaving her house. What resources and collaborations might be available and helpful so the daughter and other healthcare providers can keep her mother safe and make the most effective decision?

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Consider an area in health care in which you work or are interested in working. Examine the dynamics of the interprofessional team (physicians, nurses, physical therapists, social workers, health care administrators, etc.) in that setting. In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, explain how communication and collaborative strategies can be applied to ensure respectful interactions and to prevent or address potential issues among the team in that health care setting. Include the following: Describe the health care setting and summarize the various individuals or teams typically working together in that setting. Discuss what types of issues may occur and how these affect dynamics within the setting for health care workers and for patients and their families. Discuss attributes of a healthy culture that help individuals or groups perform as a team. Describe qualities of effective communication. Discuss how communication styles can be applied to facilitate productive communication. Chapter 8 of your textbook discusses the dynamics of successful interprofessional health care teams. What is a boundary-spanning activity you could incorporate as a leader that would support a collaborative culture and enhance communication? Consider the interprofessional team you would be working with. Explain how employee satisfaction impacts patient care. Describe qualities of professional communication that contribute to acceptable interactions with patients, their families, and other health care professionals. Explain what your role is as a health care leader in helping to facilitate collaboration and clear communication among an interprofessional team, as well as with patients and their families. A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. Benchmark Information This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency: BS Health Sciences 2.4: Describe qualities of professional communication that contribute to appropriate interactions with family, patients, and other health care professionals.

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Case Study Read the following case study: A small community hospital in the Midwest has used a homegrown information system for years. The system began in the early 1970s with a financial module. Over time, additional modules were added. A limited number of departments selected a commercial system and interfaces were used to integrate these into the overall functionality of the hospital information system. Except for physicians, most in-house clinical or care-related documentation is online. However, about 15% to 20% of this documentation is done by free text and is not effectively searchable. In addition, the screens, including the drop-down and default values, were built using terms selected by the in-house development team in consultation with clinical staff; thus there is no data dictionary or specific standard language. In the last few years, the hospital has purchased two outpatient clinics (obstetrics and mental health) and a number of local doctor practices. The clinics and doctors’ offices are now being converted to the hospital administrative systems. A few of the clinical applications that are tied directly to the administrative systems such as order entry and results reporting are also being installed. A major change is being planned. A new chief information officer (CIO) was hired last year and she has appointed a chief medical information officer (CMIO) and a chief nursing information officer (CNIO). No other significant staff changes were made. With her team in place, one of the CIO’s first activities was to complete an inventory of all applications. Rather than continue to build, a decision was made to switch to a commercial vendor and the hospital selected a commercial system. As a member of the clinical staff with informatics education, the CIO has requested that you develop a training and information presentation for the clinical staff that will: · Identify two or more issues with the existing system · Provide staff with appropriate “work-around” for using the existing system · Provide an overview of two of the standard languages used within the new system including discipline or specialty, updating frequency, and available cross-maps o One standard language should pertain only to nursing o One standard language should be multidisciplinary. · Obtain clinical staff input, using a five-question survey, of specific methods to support transition to the new system; questions should be open-ended. PowerPoint Presentation Directions: 1. Review the case study. 2. Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes: · Your name on the title slide of the presentation · Identification of two or more issues with existing system · Identification of “work-a-round” solutions when using existing system · Overview of standard language used only in nursing · Overview of multidisciplinary standard language · Set of five (5) open-ended survey questions for staff input on transitioning to the new system · Presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors. 2. Submit the Week 10 Assignment via Blackboard by clicking on the “Week 10 Assignment” link. Include the proper file naming convention: · CMP105_wk10_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy. References

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Assignment 2: Digital Clinical Experience: Focused Exam: Cough In this DCE Assignment, you will conduct a focused exam related to cough in your DCE using the simulation tool, Shadow Health. You will determine what history should be collected from the patient, what physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted, and formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions. Photo Credit: Getty Images To Prepare Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide related to ears, nose, and throat. Review the Shadow Health Resources provided in this week’s Learning Resources specifically the tutorial to guide you through the documentation and interpretation within the Shadow Health platform. Review the examples also provided. Review the DCE (Shadow Health) Documentation Template for Focused Exam: Cough found in this week’s Learning Resources and use this template to complete your Documentation Notes for this DCE Assignment. Access and login to Shadow Health using the link in the left-hand navigation of the Blackboard classroom. Review the Week 5 Focused Exam: Cough Rubric provided in the Assignment submission area for details on completing the Assignment in Shadow Health. Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis? Focused Exam: Cough Assignment: Complete the following in Shadow Health: Respiratory Concept Lab (Required) Episodic/Focused Note for Focused Exam: Cough HEENT (Recommended but not required) Note: Each Shadow Health Assessment may be attempted and reopened as many times as necessary prior to the due date to achieve a total of 80% or better (this includes your DCE and your Documentation Notes), but you must take all attempts by the Week 5 Day 7 deadline. Sullivan, D. D. (2019). Guide to clinical documentation (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis. Chapter 2, “The Comprehensive History and Physical Exam” (Previously read in Weeks 1, 3, 4, and 5) Bedell, H. E., & Stevenson, S. B. (2013). Eye movement testing in clinical examination. Vision Research 90, 32–37. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2013.02.001. Retrieved from Rubin, G. S. (2013). Measuring reading performance. Vision Research, 90, 43–51. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2013.02.015. Retrieved from Harmes, K. M., Blackwood, R. A., Burrows, H. L., Cooke, J. M., Harrison, R. V., & Passamani, P. P. (2013). Otitis media: Diagnosis and treatment. American Family Physicians, 88 (7), 435–440. Otolaryngology Houston. (2014). Imaging of maxillary sinusitis (X-ray, CT, and MRI). Retrieved from This website provides medical images of sinusitis, including X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging). Document : Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Exemplar (Word document) Document : Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Template (Word document) I HAVE DANNY RIVERA INFORMATION FOR YOU UPLOADED.

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consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests.  explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values.  consider examples of children with various weight issues. Child Health Case: Choose one of the following: Overweight 5-year-old black boy with overweight parents who work full-time and the boy spends his time after school with his grandmother. Severely underweight 12-year-old Hispanic girl with underweight parents who have been bullied in school just recently (3–4 pages, not including title and reference pages) : Include the following: An explanation of the health issues and risks that are relevant to the child you were assigned. Describe additional information you would need in order to further assess his or her weight-related health. Identify and describe any risks and consider what further information you would need to gain a full understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a sensitive fashion. Taking into account the parents’ and caregivers’ potential sensitivities, list at least three specific questions you would ask about the child to gather more information. 4 to 5 References in appropriate APA formatting. with 5 years

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Purpose This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome (CO). CO 2 – Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual functioning. (PO #1) The Assignment This week you have two options for your initial discussion post. Select the option that is best for you! Please remember to use and credit the lesson or required NIH website (there was not a textbook reading this week), AND one outside scholarly source. Option #1 – Case Study to Consider Ann and Michael have been married for 55 years. Ann is 80 years-old, and suffers from lung cancer and advanced Alzheimer’s disease. She currently resides in a nursing home, and often does not recognize Michael when he visits. Last night she was admitted to the hospital with difficulty breathing. Today, you are the nurse caring for Ann, and her physician is suggesting surgery to remove part of her lung to potentially slow the progression of her cancer. Michael is feeling unsure about this course of treatment, and asks for your advice and guidance. How would you respond to Michael and serve as advocate for your patient? Option #2 – Share a Related Experience Share with your classmates a time when you cared for a patient at the end of their life. This may be a time when you assisted the patient (or their support system) with decisions related to end of life care; or a time when you were present for the death of a patient. What were your observations related to this experience? Do you believe it was a peaceful death? What went well? Can you think of anything that could have made the experience better for the patient and/or family?

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