There are two projects that will need this completed for. One is for the build out of the new office lay out, and one is for the build out of the IT Infrastructure. The risk Management plan template attached will need to be completed for each of the build outs (new office construction and IT infrastructure)

  • Identify risk for the work performed and develop a mitigation plan for the risks identified.
  • Risk identification consists of: determining which risks may adversely affect the project objective and what the consequences of each risk might be if they occur.
  • Risk assessment consists of: determining the likelihood that the risk event will occur and the degree of impact the event will have on the project objective. Develop an action plan to reduce the impact or likelihood of each risk.
  • Develop contingency plans may require expenditure of additional funds for using additional resources.

The scenario for this project is listed as:


The accounting firm where you work has assigned you as the Project Manager to supervise an upcoming project.In exactly three months, the firm will merge with a smaller company and needs a new location for its employees.The firm currently consists of 40 employees and will be adding an additional 10 employees as a result of the merger.The second floor of a historic, two-story building has been purchased to accommodate the 50 employees in the city’s downtown district.It is completely gutted, so a complete build-out will be necessary.In order to minimize downtime, the move will take place over Labor Day weekend.You’ve been tasked to oversee renovations and installation of all IT requirements.As a recent graduate of Baker College Online, your CEO (project sponsor) has afforded you a considerable amount of discretion when it comes to decision-making.Although he will provide final approval, he expects you to decide on a floor plan, as well as what furniture and computers to keep and what must be replaced.The firm’s image is important, so he expects you to balance cost with quality.

  • Build-out:Offices and/or cubicles for 50 employees (the CEO would like you to price out single offices for 10 senior level employees), a conference room, a break room with a kitchenette, a lobby reception area, a LAN room, storage / supply room, and restrooms.
  • Computer network:Currently, the employees of the smaller firm are using older model Dell computers (circa 2005) with a Windows XP operating system. Your company is also in desperate need of hardware updates. Most employees are using older systems with Windows XP and some are using Windows Vista. Your company has a client/server network using Windows 2000 server. Your accountants use either Intuit QuickBooks or Sage Peachtree software. You are currently using Symantec Antivirus Corporate protection. Your company currently performs full backups nightly to an onsite server. Security is of the utmost importance.Your proposal should consider the following:

A. Computers for each employee (Marketing has indicated a preference for Macs for their 5 people due to their graphic capability)

B. Software requirements for each computer

C. Network hardware and operating system

D. Backup System

E.Additional devices required (Printers, Scanners, etc.).

F. Internet Service Provider

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Tip 1. Contextualize the case. There is a method to my madness. Cases generally correspond to a particular set of concepts and theories. Keep this in mind as you prepare your analysis.

Tip 2. Read the case actively. The goal is not for you to grab your highlighter and speed through the case. Instead, ask yourself questions, wrestle with the core decisions, and think through multiple scenarios.

Tip 3+. William Ellet argues that there are “four types of situations” that you will often see in cases, for each here are some tips: – Problems o Define the problem in the case. This may not be obvious. o Then, be able to diagnosis the problem using the various tools you’ve acquired throughout your business training. – Decisions o Identify the decision options. o Determine the criteria by which to evaluate the decision options. o Accumulate as much evidence as possible to support your decision. – Evaluations o Again, determine the appropriate evaluative criteria. o Make the evaluation that is most consistent with the evidence provided by the case and the key criteria. o Be sure to be holistic in your evaluations – think about positive and negative aspects. – Rules (This is particularly critical for quantitative analyses) o Know the information you need to apply a rule (For example, what data is necessary for a break-even or NPV analysis) o Know how to obtain this information. o Know how to apply the rule. o Make sure your data is accurate.

Tools Ellet provides a nice model for analyzing cases. There are five key phases of the process.
1. Situation a. Figure out the big picture first; ask yourself, “What is the situation in the case? What is going on here? 2. Questions a. Develop questions about the problem, namely: i. What do you need to know about the situation? b. Think through issues related to the decision, namely: i. What are the decision options? Any seem particularly strong or weak? What is at stake here? What are the key criteria to base your decision?
c. Questions about the evaluation, in particular: i. Who or what is being evaluated? Who is responsible for the evaluation? 3. Hypothesis a. Here is where your analytical work gains momentum. Develop your perspective on the case. b. Review the aforementioned questions – now begin to develop your answers for each set of questions. 4. Proof and Action a. Ask yourself, what evidence is provided by the case that supports my hypothesis? What additional evidence do I need to collect? b. Equally important for our course, also consider how would I implement my recommendations? 5. Alternatives a. Spend some time critiquing yourself, ask the following: i. How else could this problem be defined? If defined differently, would I have the same hypothesis? ii. Where are the weak links in my analysis? iii. What is the potential downside to my recommended decision? What is the strongest counterevidence? iv. How thorough have I been in my analysis? How might a different course of action be proved?




1. Why, historically, has the soft drink industry been so profitable?

2. Compare the economics of the concentrate business to that of the bottling business? Why is the profitability so different?

3. How has the competition between Coke and Pepsi affected the industry’s profits?

4. How can Coke and Pepsi sustain their profits in the wake of flattening demand and the growing popularity of non-CSDs?

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In order to complete Assignment #1 you will need to answer the below question. Please complete the questions in a Word document. Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing sources.

Question: The term computer crime encompasses a very broad range of criminal acts. Explain in detail the four categories of computer crime. Use examples to support your explanations.

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You will be given 2 attempts to complete the quiz and I will take the highest grade, so don’t worry if you get it wrong on your first attempt. Pay attention to the explanation of why your answer was wrong in order to get the answer correct on your second attempt. You have 30 minutes to complete each attempt at the quiz, which is more than enough time.

in the last 30min before the time end i will upload the question

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Please complete the Fluid and Electrolyte exemplar table in its entirety.

APA including references and in-text citation

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For your midterm assignment, please make sure to read Chapter 6 of your textbook.

Please provide comprehensive responses to the following:

(a) In the use of a categorical variable with n possible values, explain the following:
1. Why only n – 1 binary variables are necessary
2. Why using n variables would be problematic

(b) Describe how logistic regression can be used as a classifier.

(c) Discuss how the ROC curve can be used to determine an appropriate threshold value for a classifier

(d) If the probability of an event occurring is 0.4, then

1. What is the odds ratio?
2. What is the log odds ratio?


– Typed in a word document.

– Please write in APA Style and include at least Five (5) reputable sources.

– The complete paper should be between 800-to-1000-words.

testbook :EMC Education Service (Eds). (2015) Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing, and Presenting Data, Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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In Chapters 5 and 6, Stringer (2014) addresses a variety of different ways data generated through action research can be handled and built upon. He stresses the importance of those compiling the data using “experience- near” concepts. His point is that an accurate portrayal of the research data presented in language that is in everyday usage or readily understood by members of the organization, especially those who will initially receive the feedback from the research, is essential to promoting both understanding and effective action.

In your response, apply and cite relevant resources (more than once).

  1. Offer graduate level recommendations about what it would take to have people eager to analyze your research data rather than having it analyzed and interpreted for them.
  2. Additionally, consider the phase subsequent to analysis and identify the most important steps that need to be taken during action planning to make evaluation of results both effective and relatively easy to accomplish.


Action researchers face important considerations when designing meetings for both analysis of data and evaluation of results that support collaborative behavior by all participants. Action researchers must give consideration to how best to facilitate their meetings for the purpose of exploring and jointly developing plans to improve organizational conditions or performance.

Read the following articles, and then respond to the questions below:

Assume you are the action research facilitator who considers the perspectives of the stakeholders who will be receiving your action research feedback.

  1. Identify the conditions or processes will you want to have in place if you and others are going to be able to draw out the implications of the data and develop meaningful strategies to address opportunities.
  2. Address potential challenges.
  3. Identify what negotiation skills you will practice to optimize the outcome of your collaborative meetings. Apply and cite both your course materials and additional outside references within your response.
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1. Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • In your opinion, what is the most important qualification for community programs and services?
  • What factors determine whether a person will need formal long-term care or be cared for informally? What surprised you about the information in the text?
  • As a health care administrator, how will that influence programs and services within your community? Provide details.

Read and respond to the discussion post below. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions.

2. I think that the two most important qualifications for a HCBS to have are the achievement of accreditation and a mission, vision, and values that promotes an organizational culture that puts the well-being of the LTC recipient first before profits or advancement. A HCBS that seeks or has acquired accreditation is one works to maintain the highest levels of safety, quality, and compliance. These are valid signs of a service or program that works to be the best in their given industry. Next, acquiring a staff that is instilled with the organizations mission, vision, and values builds an organizational culture that always has the best interests of their consumers first within the perimeters and regulations of the industry. Without an organization and staff that has the consumer first, the services provided will lack in quality, safety and other service standards.

The medical needs of the patient are what decides whether they will need formal or informal care. Many patients need moved back and forth between formal and informal need as the ebb and flow of their ailments change. As our test states, informal caregivers are the backbone of the LTC industry (Pratt, 2016). Most informal caregivers are unpaid, and this is the surprising aspect for me. I understand that if caregivers were paid, it would cause the LTC in-home care industry to collapse; however, maybe if 10% of a person’s Social Security income was set aside for informal caregiving, the nation-wide economical drain may not be as heavy. So many informal caregivers, give selflessly, often causing financial strain and physical drain which cost our society more overall. I am no medical finance guru, but this is an area that needs addressed because the informal caregiving industry becomes a viscous cycle because those caregivers may require LTC programs and services more rapidly than someone that does not provide informal LTC.

As a health care administrator, my influence in our local programs and services will come in the way of accessibility. Finding grants, funds, and way to make our services reach the rural areas is vital to the overall health in our community. Our population is growing fast, and as a health care administrator finding way to keep pace with our growing aging population would be the forefront of my efforts.

3. Create a 400-word timeline showing the evolution of programs and services for aging populations over the past 50 years. Include in your timeline: An overview of how programs and services have evolved (this needs to cover multiple different programs)

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Due: Day 7

Grading Category: Case Studies

In this assignment, you will review the Suicide Case Study patient and analyze the data to determine the health status of the patient. Please respond to the questions that are presented within the case study.

  • Follow the requirements posted on the rubric.
  • Use the Word document that is located within the case study for your case study answers.
  • Papers are usually around 5-6 pages in length.
  • When the Word document is complete, upload it to the corresponding case study assignment and week’s dropbox in your clinical (665CX) course.

All papers must conform to the most recent APA standards.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


This case study consists of one hypothetical patient situation. After viewing the video, you should answer several questions about patient care. You can use outside materials to help you.

In your answers, you should make specific reference to relevant guidelines and other clinical information. The national guidelines should also be considered with treatment plans.

Access various aspects of the case using the tabs on the left. You will see an introduction video and a questions section. Download the Case Study Word template from within the Case Study Documents tab. Use this template to complete this assignment and then submit it to the submission page in your course.…

Psych HX

  • Some elementary school problems with bullying and resulting encounters with school counselor.
  • Showed increasing problems with lying and stealing as a youngster.
  • Recommended mental health counseling, but parents never followed up.
  • One previous suicide attempt at age 27 resulting in three-day hospital stay.
  • Intermittently compliant with outpatient treatment.
  • Stopped taking escitalopram 20mg several months ago because of sexual side effects.


  • Total Cholesterol: 220
  • Triglycerides: 172
  • SGOT (AST): 48
  • SGPT (ALT): 36
  • HGB: 16.5gm/dl
  • HCT: 45%
  • Na: 134
  • K: 3.2
  • Free T4: 1.1
  • TSH: 3.2


  1. What is your diagnostic formulation? How does the diagnosis(es) meet DSM criteria?
  2. What are your rule-outs (differentials)?
  3. What screening/assessment tools would you use (if any) and why?
  4. Discuss the etiology of your major psychiatric diagnosis(es) and the psychological underpinnings.
  5. Discuss the epidemiology associated with your diagnostic formulation.
  6. Discuss medical concerns (if any) and suggested interventions.
  7. What would be your therapeutic interventions while the patient is in the hospital? Outpatient? Include both psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacologic interventions. Be specific and evidence based when determining your treatment strategies.
  8. Discuss key points that might be considered when interviewing this patient considering his diagnosis(es).
  9. What should you keep in mind about counter-transference issues that might come up with this type of client? How would you manage your feelings and minimize impact on the therapeutic process?
  10. Give the prognostic factors associated with your diagnostic formulation.
  11. Discuss the risk assessment for this gentleman.
  12. As a resource for nursing staff, what factors would you keep in mind when consulting with them around the care of this patient?
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