This unit has focused on love. Think about how love is treated today and then think about what you’ve read. Discuss some of the differences and some of the similarities you’ve found. This is compare and contrast, so make sure you address both! Consider representations of sacred love, passion, lust and desire, love of family. What is appropriate and what is not? Has that changed? Below is a discussion post I did a few weeks ago you can use it for help COURTLY LOVE Courtly love which is also known as Amour Courtois in French and Fin’amor in Occitan can be described as the concept which revolves around the expression of not only love but also of admiration. The nobility highly used the idea during the medieval era in Europe. The idea was used in secret. Even though the members of aristocracy practised it, the term was never used by married spouses (Boase, 1977). One of the courtly love terms, that is, amour courtois, can be traced back to 1833. The introduction of the word occurred during the year, and a man named Gaston Paris introduced the word to society. The idea of the term was based on the oral tradition which had been established during the 12th century. The oral tradition dictated the feudal relationship which existed between a knight and the person he held dear in his heart (Jaeger, 2010). Hence, courtly love or the idea revolving around this term focused on the said relationship which existed between the two parties. The term Amour Courtois has also been used to describe a part of a man’s heart which is eternal. More information which revolves around the definition of the words focuses highly on the loyalty and obedience which will need to be given to the courtly lady by the knight. The party which will be in control of the feudal relationship will be the dignified lady. The knight will, however, have to submit to the courtly lady in the relationship as well as be obedient. The practice was not highly approved at the time. However, the association made sure that the knight was a good servant. Fin’amors was another expression which was used to express the relationship which existed between the knight and the courtly lady. The bond or love was considered to be a powerful force. The key features which can be found in this form of love were obedience, loyalty and control. Willingness and dedication will have to be given to the courtly lady. The refined lady, on the other hand, would be in control, and any displeasure would have brought a void which would exist between the vassal and the lady (Capellanus, 1990). The importance of this term is that it contributed to the emergence of not only the romance narratives but also lyric poetry. Even though the practice as outlined in the meaning of the term was not approved, the concept still managed to influence literature. Some of the romance narratives as well as lyric poetry included the Alexander and Havelock the Dane and the legends of Tristan and Isolde, The romance narratives which employed the courtly love concept focused on the devotion of the vassal who would be the hero in the story. The refined lady would be unapproachable. However, only the lady would elevate the status of the knight who would be regarded as a hero (Boase, 1977). The concept of courtly love also featured various character traits. The traits included techniques which would highly be useful during hunting or when trying to woo the lady. Additionally, the attributes would also focus on the manners of the vassal, mode of dressing and the address of an individual who was superior to the knight. Caritas, on the other hand, has various definitions. The definition is quite close to the description provided for courtly love. Caritas is defined as love. Different interpretations as provided in various sources are that the Latin term will also mean esteem, affection and favour (Capellanus, 1990). Further definitions of the term will be that Caritas can be regarded as charity. Various sources have esta…

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For Part One: Review lecture regarding redundancy, themes, and modification issues Review Relational Model lecture, using Veterinary Office List information as an example List themes evident in Veterinary Office List Spreadsheet (attached below) Write out in Word document Resolve any redundancy and modification issues- write out what these issues are, and how you would solve them, in a Word document Write out tables, columns in each table, primary and foreign keys in each table, for the entire Veterinary Practice database, using Word to “draw” this information What other themes/information should be added to this database to help make running the veterinary practice easier and more profitable? How would you add this additional information to your database? That is, what additional tables, keys, columns, etc. would you add to your database? Draw these tables, etc. in a Word document For Part Two: Building on the work you did in Part One of the Final Project, you’ll build the actual database, importing data, adding and populating tables, relating tables to one another, scrubbing your data, and in general preparing for the third and final part of this project, where you’ll create reports and queries, and make business recommendations to the business owner based on what you’ve seen when creating and running this database. You must have at least 4 tables in your database, but no more than 6 tables in your database. Decide on the business scenario you want to document with your data, and take it from there. Perhaps you want to increase efficiency in the practice, or make the practice more profitable by determining how to increase the number of customers the practice serves. Maybe you’ll decide on the most profitable procedures and try to get the practice to concentrate on those procedures alone. And so on… Part Three: Please follow the instructions below. If you have any questions or concerns, about any of the three assignments associated with this project, please let me know. Your database should already include the following tables (or something very similar): OWNER INFORMATION PET INFORMATION Then you were asked to create some additional tables for the practice, to help in some way track costs or help the practice run more efficiently, and so on. Here are some possible examples: The SUPPLIES TABLE, containing all supplies related to the practice, and the PROCEDURES TABLE, listing different types of procedures and their associated prices. You could use information in these tables to invoice customers for procedures done to their pets, or to keep track of when to replenish certain supplies in the storeroom. For the tables you create that need a primary key, please let Access assign a primary key for you. Enter data into each new table such that each table has NO LESS THAN 15 RECORDS. You will have to make this data up. Tables must be related to one another. Scrub all the data in your database by amending or removing any data that is incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or duplicated. Normalize ALL your data to at least 2 nd normal form. Determine whether or not you have enough data in your database to help the owner of the practice make good business decisions – that is, could you tell the owner of the practice what to do to increase profits or reduce loss, based on the data already in the database. If not, explain this and suggest solutions in your commentary. Find three (3) outside data sources that could contribute to ongoing data analysis and to your goal of helping the practice maximize profits. List your resources – a hyperlink to them would do nicely. For example, here’s a link to an article about how much veterinary technicians make. You could use this to help the vet understand if he’s paying his people too much or not enough. Based on your analysis, create three (3) reports for the practice, using data included in the Veterinary Practice Database. Decide what three (3) reports should be run monthly …

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Based on the list of IT equipment and tools you created for the global and data center network schematics in Module One (including the instructor’s recommendations), create a security procedure for each of the DMZ equipment and tools in each list – e.g., firewall, routers, switches, IDS, IPS, honeypot, honeynet, etc. Use the attached Security Procedure template ( Security Procedure template ) for each security procedure. Routers, Internet Use, Email Server, Web Server, Proxy Server, Authentication Server, Database Server, Application Server, Directory Server, Wireless Access, Firewall, Software, and Computers. Each must be on a separate policy procedure. I have attached a sample template that was given to me.

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Design a dc Power supply circuit that will provide a regulated voltage of about 10 V from an AC line
voltage of 120 V r.m.s (the voltage you get from the wall outlet). The load current in the desired dc
power supply circuit can vary from 0 mA to 20 mA and the regulated output voltage can vary at
most ±1% of the desired output, 10V.
To meet the desired specification, you are suggested to use a peak rectifier circuit (consists of a
bridge rectifier and a capacitor) that allows a maximum ripple of ±1V. The rectifier feeds a
resistance of 150 ? (as shown in the figure, next page). Note that the rectifier is fed from the line
voltage (120 V rms, 60 Hz) through a 10-to-1 step down transformer. The diodes available have 0.7-
V drop when conducting. The output of the peak rectifier is connected to the input of the voltage
regulator to produce the desired regulated voltage of about 10V.
For voltage regulation, the available Zener diode is specified to have a Vz = 10V at a test current of
25 mA. The other parameters provided by the manufacturer are rz =10 ? and IZK = 2.5 mA.
Show all the detailed calculations of your design. In particular,
For peak rectifier- Find the value of the dc output voltage of the rectifier filter and the required
value of filter capacitor that supports the desired ripple, also find the maximum reverse voltage that
will appear across the diode, and specify the PIV rating of the diodes, Calculate the average current
through the diode during conduction, Calculate the peak diode current.
For regulator- Calculate the required value of R, Find the load regulation. By what percentage does
VO change from the no-load to the full-load condition? Check whether the change in output voltage
meets the desired specification (use Multisim to verify your calculation). Find maximum power
dissipation in the Zener diode.
Do the simulation using Multisim and show that the required specifications are met.
Use Cursor to measure the output voltages in each section, also measure the ripples to justify your
claim. Show that under different loading conditions the output voltage is within the desired range
mentioned in the specification. Take snap-shot of each measurement and submit it with the project

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Discuss the differences between a fee-for-service model and that of a capitulated environment. Be sure to include specifics related to profit analysis of each model. Be sure to also discuss which model most closely reflects the goals related to health care reform, and why. 350 words. Attachments area

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1) Listen to the audio lecture “An Expanding Nation” 2) Type notes. 3) Upload notes to the dropbox. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE NOTES: 1) Type the outline I provide on the PowerPoint AND fill-in the notes just like you would in a traditional class. You don’t have to use my Roman numerals, capital letters, etc., but you must have some outline format such as bullet points and indents, etc. 2) The notes should be 10-12 pt font, single-spaced, and at least 1,000 words. You may double-space between sections (for example, double space between A), B), C) in your notes.) 3) Make sure you do all the way to the end of the lecture. 4) Upload as a doc., docx., or rich text file. If your file says .odt or .wps please resubmit in the right format. 5) Questions from these notes will appear on the unit exams, mid-term, and final exams.

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I have an assignment to work on for my java class and i just have no idea how to do it.i have tried to do some of the work bu i cant figure it out. i have attached in the bottom the full set of instructions that was given to me.

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4 pages Essay talking about the events and how they helped me as an engineer student. am gonna list the events: 1) Presentation by the Thrasher (A company) 2)Resilient Distribution System 3)MATLAB (A computer program) You don’t have to talk about them deeply just explain how they helped me as an engineering student. PLEASE avoid plagiarism!!

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Your original post must be at least 200 words in length. It must reference the text or course learning materials at least once. Please note that even if the question asks for an opinion, you are still expected to support opinions with references to course materials and any other credible academic sources to support your opinions. Do not use Internet sources other than those provided in the course materials. APA format is not necessary for your Discussion Board when citing references, but you are required to acknowledge your resources: In the narrative, describe where information was obtained. For example, “As mentioned in Chapter 2 of the course textbook, prioritizing tasks is…” or “As mentioned in the intellipath lesson for Unit 2…” Assignment Details You have received a six-figure inheritance from a distant relative’s estate. You have a strong interest in using the inheritance to set yourself up with an independent, nonfranchise hospitality business that has a high probability of success. Research current hospitality trends and projected growth areas for the next few years. Determine the type of hospitality business that would fit your preferences with a high probability of success. Discuss the following: Discuss hospitality and population trends for the area in which you would choose to locate the business. Describe the details relating to concept, staff and management structure, and projected first-year revenues specific to your business, with supporting information for why you believe it would be feasible. Describe the consumer market segment that your business would target, and why.

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PLAY OPTIONS- The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Midsummer Night’s DREAM, The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, or Romeo and Juliet FIRST PART Critical Paper Prospectus (5%) On or around the 10 th week (See Course Schedule for Due Date) you will submit a detailed prospectus for your Critical Paper. The prospectus will include the following: -Proposed Title -Research Question -Minimum 3 Critical Sources and 1 Primary Source -Minimum 300 word discussion of your research topic, question, how you intend to approach your analysis, brief outline. SECOND PART The Critical Paper (20%) You will also write a critical paper on a topic related to Shakespeare. You may choose to do an in depth analysis of one of the plays, a detailed character analysis, an explication of themes, a discussion of staging or possibly staging options for one of the plays, or any other relevant topic. If you are an elementary/secondary education major you may wish to research teaching Shakespeare through performance; however, this is not an informational paper, so you must have arguable thesis. Remember–this is a literature class, not an education class, so your paper must include in depth critical analysis of a play or plays. In other words, while you may use this as an opportunity to further explore the pedagogy of teaching Shakespeare through performance, the paper must still contain a substantial and well-developed critical and literary core. Do not include biographical information on Shakespeare—your audience for this paper is your peers, and they will already to quite knowledgeable about Shakespeare’s life and times. Including biographical details will be viewed as mere “filler,” and will not count toward the required page minimum. There are endless possibilities for topic choices. If you have an idea other than those suggested here, run it by me, and we’ll discuss possible ideas for developing your topic. Please keep in mind that this is a critical paper and is not merely informative. Be sure to have a recognizable thesis statement/argument. ** Please Note : Source materials such as Cliff’s Notes, Monarch Notes, Spark Notes , etc. are not acceptable critical sources. Do not use them. You are to research college-worthy critical materials such as the scholarly journals Shakespeare Quarterly, ELH ( English Literary History ), and books of criticism/critical essays. Each Folger edition of the play lists many excellent critical sources for that particular play. The use of unapproved sources will result in a grade of “F” for that assignment. Be careful of websites. Be sure you have checked the authenticity of any website materials you use. There are several excellent websites on Shakespeare, but quite frankly, there’s a lot of junk out there as well. I strongly recommend you stick to peer-reviewed critical sources such as those available Library databases or published books. Two exceptions are the Folgers Shakespeare Library website and The Chicago Shakespeare Theater website. Criteria: 9-10 pages (of text not including Works Cited page), double-spaced, standard margins, 12 point Times New Roman font 2. MLA documentation style 3. Minimum 5 critical sources in addition to the primary source or sources. Each Folder edition of the play lists many excellent critical sources. You should also use Shakespeare After All as one of your 5 critical sources. (Be sure to quote from the play itself and cite the play as a primary source.) 4.Topic Selection: If you have taken Literary Criticism, a good choice might be to compare and contrast a variety of critical views of one of the plays. Do these changes reflect changes in society?Or do they demonstrate something entirely different? Be sure to identify the specific literary theories and theorists, discussed and how those theories inform our understanding of the play today. If you have not taken Literary Criticism yet, you may elect to write your paper on a major theme and and tra…

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