Regarding your research topic selected in unit 1 and your research question, hypothesis and five survey questions created in Unit 2, write a narrative 1100-1,500-word paper describing your proposed research.

Creating the Research Paper Introduction, Purpose of the Study, and Methodology

The required information for this Individual Project includes the following:


  • Business, organizational problem, or topic
  • Problem statement

Purpose of the Study

  • One research question
  • Hypothesis regarding the research question
  • Rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy utilizing your two articles identified in unit 1 for support


  • Research strategy that you will use to explore the problem
  • Method for securing the sample population
  • Method for delivery of the survey instrument
  • Research instrument to collect data
    • Include a copy of the actual survey, complete with the introduction to the study (including all of the ethical considerations that should be included in the survey introduction. See Ethical Concerns: Informed Consent in the Unit 2 M.U.S.E.).

The following information MUST be included:

  • The business, organizational problem, or topic
  • The problem statement
  • The research strategy that you will use to explore the problem
  • 1 research question
  • Your rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy
  • 1 research instrument that you will use to collect data
  • A questionnaire or survey with at least 5 research questions for the study
    • Survey example:
      • What do you know about Brand X?
      • Would you be willing to try Brand X if a free sample was available?
      • If you answered yes to Question 2, please explain why.
      • What is one of the most important features of a product for you?
      • How do you decide what product to buy?

After creating your survey, complete the following steps:

  • Send your research survey to at least 5 people (via e-mail, survey monkey, or another option).
  • You will interpret the results of this survey/questionnaire in Unit 5’s assignment.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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