Lesson 2 Project Research/Preparation

Instructions: Chapter 3 outlined the different types of malicious or concealing software used to execute digital crimes. Select one of the types of malware that spreads and one of the types of malware that conceals. Using the Internet, research recent cybercrimes that involved the types of malware you selected. You will create a 1-1.5-page report that includes a definition of each type you selected, information on how to fight each type of attack, and a summary of noteworthy attacks of each type.

Write a 1-1.5-page Word document in the following format:

  • Paragraph 1: Introduction describing the focus of the paper.
  • Paragraphs 2 and 3: Describe each type and why each type interests you.
  • Paragraphs 4 and 5: How would you fight each type of attack? What security measures would you put in place to protect yourself from these attacks?
  • Paragraph 6: Summary of noteworthy attacks of each type
  • Paragraph 7: Conclusion: In your opinion, what should the penalty be for those who create these types of attacks?
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