Scenario You work as a junior security analyst for a governmental organization with Department of Defense (DoD) ties. Your manager has asked you to: Identify and explain three business considerations relating to security policy frameworks Describe the factors relating to them, especially for a DoD-focused organization Your organization’s long-term strategic goal is to make DoD its primary focus of business. In doing so, your organization will be faced with a different set of business considerations, that is, DoD contracts, their security level requirements, and their time constraints. Assignment Requirements Create a table showing three DoD frameworks and align them to your firm’s business considerations and goal of becoming a DoD-focused organization. Include an introduction describing business considerations relating to a DoD-supplier organization. Be sure to include a conclusion and rationale. Required Resources N/A Submission Requirements Format: Microsoft Word Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space Citation Style: APA Length: 2–3 pages Self-Assessment Checklist I created a report with an introduction, a table with three frameworks that apply to my organization, rationale for my selections, and a conclusion.

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