1. Listen to the Podcast: WorkLife w/ Adam Grant: Working with A**holes (Links to an external site.)

Write a response to the following:

·Do you think it’s possible to have a workplace w/out a-holes?

·Is it the organization’s responsibility?

·Why/why not?

·How can we promote an a-hole free culture?

Read chapters 1-3.

In this assignment, you will substantiate your position by researching and sharing at least two resource hyperlinks (textbook, news article, blog post, other research) which substantiate your response.

These written responses should be at least one and a half pages in length (1 inch margins, 12 point font, double-spaced) and will be submitted weekly through Canvas where you may author your response or upload a file.

Each individual will submit one response and be prepared to discuss their response in-class during the following meeting.

You will be graded on: writing clarity, response to questions on this week’s podcast, ability to draw comparisons to other writing (including textbook, provided additional reading materials, or your own reading materials).

  1. Listen to the Podcast: The 3 Types of Leaders of Innovative Companies (Links to an external site.)

Write a response to the following prompts (answer all, or go deep on one or two, etc):

·What thoughts provoked you on how a nimble leadership-driven organizations operate compared to traditional bureaucratic organizations?

·Which of the three leadership types most connected to the type of role you are or would like to be in an organization: entrepreneurial leader, enabling leader, architectural leader.

·Would you like to be in a company where you could “vote with your feet” on the type of project you would like to work for? How would you handle it if you were a manager?

·Is nimble leadership possible everywhere?

Read chapters 1-3.

In this assignment, you will substantiate your position by researching and sharing at least two resource hyperlinks (textbook, news article, blog post, other research) which substantiate your response.

These written responses should be at least one and a half pages in length (1 inch margins, 12 point font, double-spaced) and will be submitted weekly through Canvas where you may author your response or upload a file.

Each individual will submit one response and be prepared to discuss their response in-class during the following meeting.

You will be graded on: writing clarity, response to questions on this week’s podcast, ability to draw comparisons to other writing (including textbook, provided additional reading materials, or your own reading materials).

  1. Listen to the Podcast: How I Built This: Yvon Chouinard – Patagonia (Links to an external site.)

In 1973, Yvon Chouinard started Patagonia to make climbing gear he couldn’t find elsewhere. Over decades of growth, he has implemented a unique philosophy about business, leadership and profit. In terms of sustainability, business ethics, what employers owe employees, Patagonia seems to continually set a high example for what we could all aspire to.

Write a response to the following prompts (answer all, or go deep on one or two, etc):

·What do you think about Yvon Chouinard’s views of business ethics, sustainability, and what it means to be a leader?

·Look online for some other examples of ways Patagonia supports employees and the environment.

·What do you think is important in thinking through how to be a sustainable company?

·What is a corporation’s responsibility to the environment?

Read chapters 4-5.

In this assignment, you will substantiate your position by researching and sharing at least two resource hyperlinks (textbook, news article, blog post, other research) which substantiate your response.

These written responses should be at least one and a half pages in length (1 inch margins, 12 point font, double-spaced) and will be submitted weekly through Canvas where you may author your response or upload a file.

Each individual will submit one response and be prepared to discuss their response in-class during the following meeting.

You will be graded on: writing clarity, response to questions on this week’s podcast, ability to draw comparisons to other writing (including textbook, provided additional reading materials, or your own reading materials).

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