/** * @author  * @version * CS312 Assignment 3. * On my honor, , this programming assignment is my own work and I have * not shared my solution with any other student in the class. * * * A program to print out various ScintillationGrids. Part 2 of assignment 3. * Worth 16 points. * *  email address: *  UTEID: *  Section 5 digit ID: *  Grader name: *  Number of slip days used on this assignment: */ import java.awt.*; public class ScintillationGrid { //public static int x, y, Size, NumberOfLines, LineThickness; public static void main(String[] args) { int width = 900, height = 650;        // Size of panel DrawingPanel p = new DrawingPanel(width, height); p.setBackground(Color.CYAN);    // Cyan background of panel Graphics pen = p.getGraphics(); drawGrid(0, 0, 300, 3, 6, pen); } public static void drawGrid(int x, int y, int Size, int NumberOfLines, int LineThickness, Graphics g){ int Spaces = (Size-LineThickness*NumberOfLines)/(NumberOfLines + 1) ; //g.drawRect(x, y, Size, Size);    // Draws grid g.setColor(Color.BLACK);    // Sets color of grid to Black g.fillRect(x, y, Size, Size);    // Fills the grid color to Black //g.drawRect(70, 0, 6, 300); //g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); //g.fillRect(70, 0, 6, 300); for(int i=1; i<=NumberOfLines; i++){                        //    Draws the gray rectangles as vertical lines in the grid //g.drawRect(x + (Size / (NumberOfLines + 1)) * (i+1) - LineThickness / 2, y, LineThickness, Size); g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); g.fillRect(x + (Size / (NumberOfLines + 1)) * (i+1) - LineThickness / 2, y, LineThickness, Size); } //horizontalLines(x, y, NumberOfLines, LineThickness, Size, g);    //    Draws the gray rectangles as horizontal lines in the grid } public static void horizontalLines(int x, int y, int NumberOfLines, int LineThickness, int Size, Graphics g){ int Spaces = (Size+LineThickness)/(NumberOfLines + 1) ; for(int i=1; i<=NumberOfLines; i++){                        //    Draws the gray rectangles as vertical lines in the grid g.drawRect(x, i*LineThickness+(i-1)*Spaces, LineThickness, Size); g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); g.fillRect(x, i*LineThickness+(i-1)*Spaces, LineThickness, Size); } } public static void circles(int x, int y, int NumberOfLines, int LineThickness, int Size, Graphics g){ int Spaces = (Size+LineThickness)/(NumberOfLines + 1) ; for(int d=1; d<=NumberOfLines; d++){ for(int w=0; w

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