First, make sure you have been read all the requirements before you work!

You MUST be a Journalism major student, because you need to know the basic news writing rules from AP Style Book. This work MUST be the original work! This work is very important to me. So the quality MUST be ensured.

The subject or kinds of the news story is up to you. There are no special restrictions.

If you need to look back at your notes, you can view the Criteria for Newspapers powerpoint here: Criteria for Newspapers.pptx

Your newspaper story must include:

A minimum of 1,000 words

At least three quotes from three separate individuals

You will be graded on the requirements above, as well as the overall story, clarity, structure of the story, and grammar.

You must also label (on a separate page) whether your story is informative, persuasive or entertainment. You must also identify your target audience, as well as the criteria (prominence, proximity, timeliness, oddity/uniqueness, consequence, human interest).

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