Building a new software application is just the start, as organizations invest in software to help solve business problems. For systems to be effective and have a positive influence on organizational goals, they need to address user experience and focus on how best to gain new system adoption. The ideas for a new strategy are compiled in a document titled a change management plan. This plan contains information about the new user experience, how the new system will be supported, and the communication plans to inform the system users, which includes FAQs and instructions on how to use the system.” Develop a change management plan for WeLoveVideo, Inc. Within the change management plan, incorporate the following: · Ways in which the system was designed to support a positive user experience · How the system changes will be communicated to the users · Ways in which you will shape the communications to ensure a positive outlook · Collateral (Ex. FAQs and user guides) that will be developed in support of the new system · Explain what type of support will be available to the users after implementations.

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