Responding to Discussions
Your response must have a clear, well-formulated thesis; sentence structure,
grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Your response should be
insightful, thoughtful, and analytical. You are required to make one
initial post and then respond to two classmates for each discussion
forum. Your responses to classmates’ postings must be thoughtful,
substantial, and polite — not just a “well done” phrase or “I agree.”
Consider points of agreement, disagreement, assumptions, and value
judgments.FILLER TEXT
Recently, I was promoted to the global project manager position for the DSG Capital Asset Management Group (“The DSG Group”), a technology based private equity and asset management group. My management structure will consist of following in hierarchy order:
DSG Management Structure
Global Project Managing Director – Brian L. Saulsberry
Capital Raising & Managing Officer of the European Markets
Global Project Director – Jack Smith
Capital Raising
Global ProjectMarketing Specialist – Susanne WhiteFILLER TEXT
Capital Raising & Marketing
Global Project Vice President – Brad Mitchell
VP of Investment Management
Global Project Associate – Tina Berd
Marketing Assistant
Global Project Secretary – William Smith
Department Secretary
The DSG Group will primarily consist of capital raising and asset management for its’ clients. Furthermore, the company will offer a balanced fund approach towards investing. Therefore, our investment strategy shall consist of the followingpercentage outlays: 20 percent towards private equity transactions, 25 percent invested in technology-based startups, 20 percent investment in the bond market, 15 percent investment in public stocks and 20 percent in the acquisition space. Our goal is to deliver a modest 12- 15 percent Return on Investment, annually, thereby outperforming the S&P. “The way a company organizes itself -how it allocates responsibilities, how it organizes support services, and how it groups products, brands, or services -can have a substantial impact on its effectiveness” (Heywood, (2011). Therefore, DSG has opted to maintain a lean and very direct management style for our clients. Our management goal is to have no unnecessary layers of management within our company.
I welcome my fellow teammates’ opinions and comments on our proposed management structure as well as their insight regarding growth and future success. Though our organizational consists of only 6 individuals. We believe our team of experienced seasonal professionals offers our clients dedicated attention and al la carte devotion beyond the A-typical investment house. The DSG Group is here to serve our clients with the very best investment advice the market has to offer.
Saulsberry, Brian L., (2016), Brian L. Saulsberry. LinkedIn. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)
Heywood, Suzanne & Katz, Roni, (2011). Structuring your Organization to meet Global Aspirations. McKinsey. Retrieved from:
I work for a global technology company headquartered in India with offices in the US, UK, India, and the Philippines. My direct manager moved to the US from India 5 years ago to better manage the sales executives under his division, most of whom sit somewhere in the US. It became a lot easier for him to go to be closer to the deals and prospect meetings. However, he makes frequent trips to the UK and Europe to meet with the other salespersons when they have closure meetings.
We are now planning to create a designated team to cover our RPA (Robotics Process Automation) operations across the UK, Europe, US, and Australia. As the global project manager, I would adopt a centralized management structure. According to Binder, this structure is the most effective when the project size, the complexity is minimal, and the team members in these locations are familiar with the cultures and tools (2007, Binder). Our company has 40 years of global existence and preparedness to handle a new expansion team. We already understand these market, selling to these diverse audiences, and established offices and personal in these geographies. The designated team (2 persons per geography) would report directly to me, based in the US. This structure as worked well for our organization when building out sales teams who work independently and hired within the geography they support. Weekly team video conference calls, whatsapp for team daily collaborations, and quarterly review sessions have been successful. The organization also provides each saleperson a vonage number when making calls outside their geography.
What are some of the challenges you have faced when setting up an expansion team within an organization that already has global presence? Do you feel the centralized structure works or would you choose a different model?
Janet Thomson
Binder, J. (2007). FILLER TEXT. New York, NY: Routledge.
Edited by Idris Oladipo on Sep 19 at 1:59pm
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