For one collaborative innovation (peaceful revolution, party building, or industrialization), describe 1) For one collaborative innovation (peaceful revolution, party building, or industrialization), describe 1) why collaboration was essential and 2) innovative roles–convening, facilitating, catalyzing played by innovators.

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Pick a case

  • Unlike the previous discussion, these are in the domain of public affairs and policy.
  • Read the source material in the e-Reserves associated with your selected case.
  • Here are the cases:
    • Politics: Lincoln and party building in [both] Goodwin, excerpts of Team of Rivals, and [this one as well] Skowronek, “Abraham Lincoln’s Reconstruction” in The Politics Presidents Make;
    • Revolution, Nelson Mandela, excerpts of The Long Walk to Freedom;
    • Industrialization: Joshua B. Freeman, excerpts of Behemoth: The History of the Factory and the Making of the Modern World. and (if you need background on the foundation that was there) Sassoon’s The Anxious Triumph

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