Kizza (2014) addressed network attacks and intrusions broadly as “cybercrime” and attributed them largely to moral and ethical deficiencies of the perpetrators. Lessig (2006) approached law in the network primarily in terms of computer “code” that defines what can and cannot be done with the network. In other words, Lessig found finds the issue of what defines a crime and who bears responsibility to be more ambiguous than does Kizza.

Search the Internet to find two examples of activities that meet the definition of cybercrime. (The LexisNexis Academic Database in the Library provides searchable access to a wealth of news articles and features.)

Then, briefly summarize your examples and apply and criticize Kizza’s (2014) and Lessig’s (2006) positions on what constitutes a crime and who is responsible for the activities described in your examples. Identify at least two stated or unstated assumptions underlying each of Kizza’s (2014) or Lessig’s (2006) arguments and specify at least two practical implications. Whose position better applies to each of your examples?

Support your analysis by citing specific statements by these authors or at least two outside sources.

Discuss and cite both course textbooks—Kizza’s (2014) Computer Network Security and Cyber Ethics and Lessig’s (2006) Code: version 2.0, and at least one additional, credible, scholarly source to support your analysis and positions. Use APA style and academic writing standa

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