What does it take to be a professional healthcare worker? In a medical office, you must maintain professionalism at all times, even when dealing with difficult patients, employees, or people in authority. You also need to know how to evacuate patients out of the medical office in case of a fire or emergency. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that employers have an emergency and evacuation plan. Healthcare professionals and workers should know what this plan is. If you are working in the healthcare field, you should have planned and unplanned fire and emergency drills to become familiar with escape routes and safety measures. Use the Internet and other resources to view emergency or evacuation action plans. Discuss other procedures, equipment, and safety measures that should be in place to better prepare for an emergency, natural disaster, or fire. Then, discuss what does professionalism mean to you? How will you practice professionalism in an ambulatory care setting? Just a few sentences

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