This week you will continue your work on the project to evaluate higher education student aid data. You will test your recommended U.S. Student Aid database schema, build the database, and develop the business intelligence queries that will enable you to answer the following project questions: Which schools generate the highest amount of debt for the average student who attends? What is the employment rate for the students who graduate from this school? Revise the schema you submitted in the Week One Individual Assignment, “U.S. Student Aid Initial Database Schema” per your instructor’s feedback. Test your schema by completing the following tasks: Define the database tables you will need and group the tables by function. Document your tables in an annotated Microsoft® Visio® diagram. Develop the SQL queries needed and populate the tables from the data downloaded during the Week One Individual Assignment, “U.S. Student Aid Database Initial Database Schema.” Define an appropriate strategy to optimize and incorporate best practices in to the SQL that you created. Document your SQL and metadata in Microsoft® Visio® or Microsoft® Excel®. Capture screenshots of each query result. Document your results as a 4- to 5- slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation or a 1-page Microsoft®Word document that: Describes your SQL, populated tables, and the best practices you used to develop your SQL queries Includes the SQL statements and corresponding screenshots of each query result Note: The final Week Five Individual Assignment, “U.S. Student Data Debrief” requires a project summary and debrief that builds on this and subsequent Individual Assignments. Therefore, it is recommended that you select the delivery method of a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation or a Microsoft® Word document you will want to use consistently throughout these assignments. Compress your revised diagram(s), testing results documentation and SQL files into a ZIP file.

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