Research Paper Content 1. Introduction with a thesis statement 2. Provide a brief history of your culture 3. Explain how your chosen culture is represented in the United States 4. Is your culture individualistic or collectivistic? Provide at least one example 5. What are some of the artistic (art, music, architecture, dance) contributions of your culture? 6. What are some values of your culture? Provide at least three examples 7. Discuss your culture’s religion(s)? Include name and basic belief system of at least one of the major faiths 8. What are some of the sex and gender role differences in your culture? Provide at least three examples 9. Discuss what we would need to know to acculturate into your culture (if a past one, what would we need to do for preparing for our time machine to fit in). Provide at least one concrete suggestion 10. Conclusion Specific Paper Requirements: Four page minimum: six page maximum (Times New Roman; One inch margins; Font 12; Double-spaced) Quality of writing: must contain in-text citations in APA format Spelling & Grammar Correct APA format Minimal Four credible sources (books, journal articles, magazine/newspaper articles, etc.) (4 points)

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