For this video, choose one item that addresses a current issue and makes connections to class concepts. The item may be print or video—for example, an article from the current edition of a newspaper or magazine, a segment from a news or talk show, a YouTube video, vlog, or any program that features current affairs. Your item (up to 2 minutes) will be embedded in a PowerPoint that you will use to supplement your presentation. You may use clips of a video, pause a video as necessary to identify concepts, or use a clip for a full 2 minutes. However, you cannot use over two minutes of video in your own presentation. ITEMS CANNOT BE MORE THEN 90 DAYS OLD OF THE CURRENT ISSUE OF CHOICE! Submit a 4-5 minute video in which you: Use PowerPoint to supplement your presentation. Clearly identify the argument. Present the premises and conclusion in your chosen article or video clip and explain their importance. Did the speakers/writers use deductive or inductive reasoning? In your article or video clip, identify three of the following: vague/ambiguous language; credibility; cognitive bias; rhetoric; logical fallacies; generalizations; arguments from analogy; cause and effect reasoning; and value judgments about morality, law, or aesthetics. Explain why you think the argument fits this concept. Also, identify if this was purposeful and why, and how this affects the strength of the argument. Provide a conclusion to your video. Was the argument convincing? What is your position? (30 seconds max) I need the PowerPoint to be detailed in what the current issue is about in a video, newspaper or article of your finding. So I am able to present it in a video to submit of everything listed above. Video clips can only be 2 minutes. At least 5 to 6 slides describing all of the above details on the current issue going on in the world today in the U.S. Preferably CURRENT ISSUES IN THE HEALTHCARE FIELD TODAY IN THE U.S.!!! You will be graded on: Your ability to identify arguments made about relevant issues in our world today How well you identify class concepts. Accuracy and a clear explanation are required Your use of terminology from the textbook/class lectures Your ability to showcase your critical thinking skills Your ability to use Panopto Your presentation skills and delivery

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