Hello All,
This is my 5th week assignment. I was asked to do an interview of an employee at an organization of my choice. I live in the Washington, DC area, so whoever takes this assignment I would prefer an organization close to the Washington, DC or Metropolitan areas (Maryland and Virginia) since an interview needs to be conducted. However, you do not necessarily have to do an interview, but the paper should appear as though one was actually given. This paper has to be completed APA style using 3 to 5 outside sources for direction #4 please, The instructions are below.
Once you have conducted an interview with an individual within an organization; write a 1,250-1,750-word paper discussing the organization from the employee’s point of view, include:
- Provide a brief (1/2 page) summary of the organization (size, location, job description of the employee).
- Discuss positive and negative components of the company.
- Identify and discuss everyday organizational issues that the employee faces.
- Provide recommendations for organizational change.
Use three to five outside sources to support your recommendations for organizational change.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,
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